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Attempt to save my grandfather from pneumonia death via hospital

My relatives in Butuan City reported that my grandfather was in the hospital for difficulty in breathing. The lab reports showed pneumonia.

Bad combination. A western medical hospital, drugs, a 98 year old fat man, a pneumonia diagnosis. The attitude of western medical hospital staff and doctors in these cases is to do the standard stuff they do, drugs, drugs, drugs and more drugs, do not give you sunlight, do not give you fresh air, do not give you raw food, they think food has no bearing, and don’t care whether you poop or not. Old people die of sterilization, drugs damaging their livers and constipation.

Sure enough my uncle there was feeding my grandfather CRACKERS! For those who are still uninformed, crackers are DEAD, manufactured NON-FOODS. People need REAL, RAW, FOOD.

This was my cue to act. I know what to do, we’ve already done this with my grandmother.

I was able to send my driver, my cousin via the next available Philippine Airlines flight. I packed all the stuff he needed to treat our grandfather and we got a ticket at 2am just as the ticket office opened in the airport. We love our grandfather. My cousin knows these healing modalities as I’ve helped cure his own diseases and he has done these himself.

My cousin is there now. His mission is to give 1 cup of Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea everyday for colon cleansing. Also administer kidney cleansing via avocado leaves tea. I gave him green honey to make the avocado leaves tea go down faster. If the colon cleanse is administered immediately, in 2 to 3 days my grandfather should be well and out of the hospital. That is the big IF. I don’t know if my cousin has enough guts to charge in and make sure grandfather drinks the tea.

For immediate breathing relief I also sent my cayenne tincture. That should spice things up.