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How To Use Coconut Oil For Weight Loss

Coconut oil has been used in natural healing for centuries, but did you know that coconut oil can help you lose weight? There is an ancient form of healing called Ayurveda that uses coconut oil for a wide variety of health issues, including coconut oil for weight loss....

How to Cure Gout outline for 2014

I noticed our neighbor limping this morning. He was just in his early 40s and he said it was due to old age. I said, “That’s not true, what is it really?” He said he had gout / arthritis. Oh, that’s easy, I’ve taught his uncle, the village couple...

Sulfur Deficiency: The Big Bad Epidemic Challenge of the 21st Century

A big bad combination of things has emerged into this enormous challenge leading up to today in the 21st century. That of sulfur deficiency / sulphur deficiency. Our body is supposed to be made up of some x% of sulfur, and since we are not creating sulfur in our...