Commendable truth talk about cancer
I woke up with this commendable truth speaker about cancer from the cancercured egroups I subscribe to.
There was a discussion about breast cancer treatments as a scam as reported by Natural News Mike Adams. I was holding off saying something, until this guy came along and took the words right out of my mouth.
He must be a cancer healer too. On the genetic lies about cancer:
Heredity has nothing to do with cancer. Bad dietary and hygiene habits are passed from one generation to the next but there is no genetic predisposition to cancer nor to most (not all) diseases.
Conventional treatment is a total scam. The medical profession is exploiting their ‘cash cow’ and will never cure the condition. All the dis-information is nothing but a scare tactic to make people think that they are helpless and require expensive drastic measures in order to combat some foreign envador that snuck passed the bodiesdefense mechanisms. HORSE PUCKY!
Cancer is a disease of civilization. It is caused by inadequate metabolic drainage. The partially digested foods rot inside the digestive tract and release toxins that pass through the intestinal walls into the humors of the body thus contaminating it. As the pollution increases it reduces the oxygen assimilation of the cells
which will suffocate. The hypoxia (starvation for oxygen) will cause the cells to shift their mode of respiration and will begin to primarily ferment sugar which produces lactic acid and carbon
monoxide. These toxins further reduce the oxygen levels to the cells who are now operating in a panic mode of hyperventilation which increases the metabolic rate exponentially. Progenitor cryptocides
will be dispatched to the injury area will transform into fungi at the mycelial stages which is cancer. Many physical injuries turn cancerous because the nucrosed tissue is not adequatly dissipated and chronic irritation can also block lymph drainage leading to cancer.Interestingly, in a normal pH environment, the cells are slightly more acid than the lumph fluids setting up an electrolytic action which maintains an electrical potential on the cell membranes of 70 millivolts. The lymph being saline identical to the salinity of sea water and the cellular interior sporting potassium. As the energy levels or potential difference (voltage) between the internal and external surfaces of the cytoplasmic membrane is lowered, sodium will enter the cell and potassium will leak out. Iron and aluminum salts will clump further clogging drainage channels and accelerating the nucrosis of tissues. Progenitor cryptocides, a scavenger, devours the nucrosed (dead) tissues and excretes HCG hormone which blocks the action of the white blood cells while calling in stem cells to provide construction materials to form a fibrin shroud around the nucrosed matter and the tumor is now formed. The trophoblastic cells
continue to silence the immune system which cannot recognize the tumor as it is made from materials the body considers friendly.All cancer is the same. There are mainly only two types sarcoma and carcinoma. Carcinoma makes up 90 % of all cancers and it is tumor forming. Chemotherapy is ineffective against tumor cancers.
Conventional and alternative treatments cannot be used simultaneously as each is counter to the other. Conventional therapies (which do not work) are destructive and suppress the immune system. Alternatives
are designed to strengthen immune response, not weaken it.The only way that cancer can be cured is to alter the terrain so as to make the soil inhospitable to the growth of cancer. It involves cleaning the digestive tract, replacing missing nutrients, stimulating hormone production and the avoidance of all acid forming foods. This is a metabolic disorder PERIOD! It is 100% curable if one is willing to change. There is no magic about it, it is normal to have cancer in a polluted body. You can’t grow a Palm tree in Toronto. “Its not the microbe, its the terrain” Claude Bernard
“Cancer is Nature’s protest against disobedience and is the penalty she imposes upon those, who perhaps knowingly or unknowingly, have ignored her teachings.” Robert Bell, M.D. c. 1913Â
Of course the regular idiots in the egroups just say they disagree with this email. And that is why they are still sick. That is why they are still undergoing “treatment.” This separates the cured from those who worship the “there is no cure religion.”
Truth belongs to those of us who cure cancers.