Weston Price sheds light on the malnutrition epidemic
I’m currently reading Dr. Weston A Price’s original 1939 book “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” and he packs a lot of clear, plain english ancient wisdom to enlighten our ignorant society. What was most useful to me is the chapter on Soil Depletion and Pland and Animal Deterioration. Which in short says somewhat: “You can’t build something from nothing.”

Fertile soil gives the raw materials with which you build nutrient rich plants. The nutrient rich plants feeds the grazing animals. Humans eat the grazing animals, the vegetables and the fruits whose raw materials ultimately came from the soil. Abuse that soil over centuries and you literally deplete it of life giving minerals which affect your vegetables, fruits and animals and in turn humans.
This is another piece of the puzzle why in my recent diet experiments I have thrived wonderfully on raw organic / wild local in season fruits and raw wild ocean fish and raw organic / fertile eggs and raw organic goat internal organs. These are the most nutritious foods in my locale.
Goats have to be fed green grass, not feeds. Organic eggs are the best nutrition chickens or ducks can give. The ocean is vastly more nutritious than the depleted farm lands. Thus ocean animals are immensely healthier and thus more life giving to us humans than land animals. Fruits are immensely more nutritious than vegetables as fruits are painstaikingly made by the trees or the bush to be edible and those nutrients are concentrated on the fruits. Vegetables grow too fast.
This is why the Wai Diet is great. Get the best organic fruits and raw nuts in your locale, get the best raw ocean fish you can buy, never farmed. Get the most nutritious part of the land animals is my addition aside from the raw egg yolks, the raw internal organs such as liver and kidneys are outstanding.
Many of todays diseases are a combination of lack of proper drainage = constipation; and lack of nutrition.
I love babies and Weston Price has made me conscious about the need to feed children immensely nutritious food all the time. Making children needs immensely nutritious food given to the father and mother many years prior to reproduction. Aspiring mothers especially need lots and lots of nutrition, raw materials to make babies with. Ah the epidemic of infertility today is in a large part due to malnutrition.
It all fits in, it all fits. Read Weston Price’s book for Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Enjoy and be enlightened.