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Tongue Cancer: Stage 2 is fungus control strategy

The successful 3 day VCO detox showed that this tongue cancer is partly a fungus problem.  Maybe the fungus is trying to digest some toxic materials like old tobacco, chemicals, poisons?  Maybe in the process of microform growth, the usual good bacteria were eliminated by the usual antibiotics?

What are the tasks we need to do now?

  • Nourish the cancer sick. Via a raw paleolithic diet high in fat. Add wild berry seeds enzymes supplements from Carica.
  • Encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria. By supplementing with OMX probiotics from Japan.
  • Discourage the growth of fungus. By going on a high fat diet and supplementing with probiotics. Supplementing with virgin coconut oil, some 4 tablespoons spread throughout the day.
  • Eliminate old toxins, old pollution. By going on a high fat diet. By supplementing with Quantum Minerals Plus.
  • Clean up his teeth of tobacco stains.  This is an obvious source of pollution.  In the past we were not able to do it because his tongue was gravely infected.

We will also need to stop the dewormer and the zapping.  We want Mr. M to be able to have a self balancing and self-perpetuating micro flora.  Hopefully we have kicked out the parasites from the liver.  Now we need those same parasites to help with the job of eating up the toxins and pollution.

There will be another VCO detox in 1 or 2 weeks.  We will have to wait and see.

The goal is to balance Mr. M so that he will eventually have zero need for supplements.  He will be living on food alone.

A good website with simple instructions is on http://www.naturallythriving.com/ just remember to do everything 100% raw.