Ducks slaughtered with the kids watching with pictures and video
If you can’t bear to watch slaughtering an animal then you are not allowed to eat it. This is what I teach my children. This is a basic philosophy, provincial children see this all the time, my city raised children need the same education. *** Remember that we are Filipinos living in the Philippines and that slaughtering animals in our own back yard is socially acceptable… if in your country and culture you find seeing a duck slaughtered offensive, do not view the rest of this article as there are 2 pictures.
My cousin was available and he knew how to slaughter ducks. Our maids say they are not familiar about slaughtering ducks, they said it was different from slaughtering chickens. It was my cousin’s first time to slaughter a duck too. He tied the feet and tied the wings. Then he just got a small knife and slit away the main artery on the neck and sliced the wind pipe. The blood was collected as usual in a bowl of uncooked rice grains.
We even took a video. Which I’ll probably post on the internet soon for my raw paleolithic diet buddies.
The duck slaughter went on as normal as chicken slaughter. I think those fears of ducks being harder to slaughter are baseless fears of the unknown. I just reserved a raw breast for myself. The rest of the ducks will be served at the grand family reunion Christmas party tomorrow.
The philosophy to caring and slaughtering our own poultry in our backyard is born out of me and my cook’s planning a few months ago that we need to be assured our poultry is clean and safe to eat. That the poultry are not fed toxic stuff like commercial feeds. That the slaughter process is clean. That the meat is fresh. That the ducks slaughtered were healthy.