My 5 year old boy who had tummy ache now cured and had gone to school today
My 5 year old boy started having his tummy ache last Monday morning and threw up empty fluid. I think it was due to either bad food, maybe from the tiny oranges kyat kyat imported from China and / or that “cake” called “sansrival” that was given to him behind me and my wife’s back last Sunday afternoon and / or maybe it is because we ate out Saturday evening at a restaurant. Maybe there is a parasite component to this upset stomach, maybe I passed it on to him as a week ago I myself had tummy aches.
What we did were these. I gave him barefoot herbalist dewormer every morning for 4 straight days 1 teaspoon in 1/4 cup of water. No food was given until he asked for it and we followed what he wanted. I gave him Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea for colon cleansing on the first day of the problem to flush out whatever it was bothering him… not much came out but his poop stinked real bad. I ordered a temporary stop of his vitamins and supplements, the calcon 1 and 2 supplements, and the vitamin c, and the multivitamins of the anthroposophic doctor. I witheld toothpaste, even if our toothpaste was non-flouride, and witheld soap and shampoo as well.
Our boy missed 3 days of school. He went back this morning. No more pain in his tummy and he seems to have a healthy appetite today. And he was playing, running, jumping, swinging on a rope, and climbing the monkey bars in school. All good signs that all is well.