Cory Aquino weak with cancer and is fed chicken sandwich in the hospital?
I just read something absolutely idiotic in the news about poor sick old Cory Aquino in the hospital being fed a chicken sandwich and they report this as happy news that the former Philippine president has regained strength and some appetite. This is absolutely stupid from many angles and I will explain why.
The premise is Cory Aquino is dying of some kind of cancer where part of her colon was butchered away and then given toxic chemicals they call chemotherapy. Poor lady of course feels weak and eventually is back in the hospital for whatever reasons they think they can help. Who in their ignorant mind ever thought of giving a very sick old woman chicken sandwich… to end her life real quick? Let me tell you what is in a chicken sandwich:
The chicken meat: probably the regular 45 day chicken, a freak of intensive farming to get a freak fast growing chicken breed and inject hormones, chemicals and growth inducing genetically modified chicken feeds, grown in tight quarters, sometimes debeaked, and never touching the ground, not eating grass, not eating bugs, not eating their natural diet. This 45 day chicken is called a 45 day chicken because the farmer has to be able to prepare the chicken for slaughter within 45 days or else he loses money. This 45 day chicken is weak, cannot run, cannot get away from people. In contrast to a healthy chicken grown in a natural setting, a regular human cannot run fast enough to capture such a strong and fast bird… you have to out think a healthy chicken by offering it food first.
Cooking the chicken meat: The chicken meat in the chicken sandwich is usually cooked. All those nutritious fats and nutritious proteins are turned inorganic, toxic and difficult to digest. Instead of bringing with it its own enzymes in a raw state, in a cooked state, Cory Aquino will have to use her dwindling reserves of digestive enzymes to try and digest cooked chicken instead of using her enzymes to clean up her blood.
The sandwich bread: A sandwich is called such because there are 2 square bread slices. Bread made from flour. Flour from wheat. Wheat that is probably genetically modified and sprayed with powerful pesticides. Stored in silos with all sorts of pests mixing pest parts and pest poop, then milled together and bleached to make it look white. Wheat by itself is not an optimal human food. All humans are allergic to wheat as this turns to paste and sticks to the walls of the intestines, causing malnutrition as the intestinal function of absorbing nutrients is impaired. There are wheat proteins that humans are allergic to and the most popular being gluten. This causes humans to have inflammations and form mucus. Wheat is one of the top mucus forming foods and top constipators.
The sandwich spread: The most common being commercial spreads made from soybean oil – soybean again being a toxic plant being sold to humans as food to sabotage human health. This spread must have toxic flavorings like MSG and “secret spices” and food coloring.
Bad food combining: Starchy bread mixed with cooked chicken meat is a recipe for indigestion. One needing acid for digestion and one needing alkaline for digestion. Put them in together at the same time and you give the stomach a hard time. When people are weak… you are supposed to put them on mono meals!
Chicken sandwich indeed. Not as innocent as you think. In fact chicken sandwich is a disaster. Cory’s handlers have fumbled her health from the beginning now getting to the very near end… they feed her chicken sandwich.
Please, if you know Cory and she listens to you, tell Cory to have a vacation at Vander Gaditano’s healing farm in Candelaria, Quezon.