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Watermelon vs Water for Hydration

I helped a young lady who had recurring headaches. I said maybe she was dehydrated. I asked what she was doing for it. She said she was drinking lots of water, but still the headaches persisted.

I gave the young lady an idea. I suggested watermelons. Buy a whole watermelon. Eat watermelon every morning and every time you are thirsty. Or just eat water melons in the morning for hydration.

A week later I saw her again. She was beaming. No more headaches. She did buy the watermelons. She had proved to herself that by just adding watermelons to her daily diet she could get rid of her headaches.

Now let’s not push it and ask for the young lady to switch to a raw paleolithic diet. Some people aren’t ready for that.

Now why couldn’t the water hydrate her? What kind of water are we talking about? Plain faucet water, reverse osmosis water, bottled water? Yes they are water, but not in the form that is easily assimilated. Now take cool watermelon. The water in a watermelon is easily assimilated. This form, water in food is what the body likes and can utilize. IF you had fresh flowing spring water on the spot, let’s talk about that water, but you cannot find any of that fresh flowing spring water in the city.