Distant Relative Geneva Cruz is WRONG in supporting the PETA Vegetarian Madness
Humans are a mainly raw carnivorous species and can partake in raw fruits and some raw vegetables as the original design. With the advent of cooking, humans were able make palatable otherwise inhuman food such as potatoes, root crops, more vegetables and grains. Sure cooking humans survived from hunger because they shifted to eating sub-standard cooked fare… but the health tax they pay is terrible… all the disease and suffering comes at a steep price for eating a diet far and away from the original design.
I and fellow practitioners call the original human designed diet as a raw paleolithic diet. This is mostly organic / wild raw fatty meat some fruits and very few vegetables. Any deviation from that is a modern adaptation with health taxes to be paid.
Now some modern nuts think abstaining from eating meat is a “humane” move just because animals have the same parts as humans. SO WHAT? That is the way the food chain is. We are the top predator. These nutcases at PETA want humans to “evolve” to become vegetarians because they have the inane idea that they do not want to “harm” animals.
Hello PETA… some of us just want to live… reproduce… and LIVE HEALTHY. PETA’s vegetarian prescription is a prescription for disease, infertility and a painful short life.
Why do I know this? I’ve tried PETA’s vegetarianism… it bombed on me. I’ve tried RAW veganism… it bombed on me. I’ve tried raw fruitarian… it bombed on me. I and many others have gone around and did our DIET musical chairs and found out that eating lots of organic raw bloody fatty meat is THE SUPER FOOD under our very noses all along. Think authentic raw fatty Batangas beef… awesome yellow fat, awesome fresh bloody meat… awesome performance… no illness… no diseases… not a cold… no flu ever.
Yo Geneva, if I had stayed with the vegetarian, vegan and fruitarian madness, I would have died.
I thrive on lots of organic raw fatty bloody meat and some fruits. I got my second life and it feels great, much better looking, much better performance on raw meat. I did not know life could be this wonderful. I did not know that raw meat was THE KEY to superior health.
Geneva, wait a couple of months when your raw veganism let’s you hit the wall of ill health and back into reality. WE ARE HUMAN. Humans need meat to live. Humans instinctively eat meat to live better. What do humans who earn more money set off to do as measured by economists? They shift to a diet with more meat. The problem with civilized humans is they COOK all their meat… the worst mistake is COOKING YOUR MEAT. The key to health is organic fatty RAW MEAT.
What is important is that the animals being slaughtered for food are raised in a calm, clean, serene, nutritious environment as close as possible to nature’s design… then slaughtered in a calm, clean and thankful manner not unlike the Islamic Halal methods. Delivered fresh to market and eaten as soon as possible.
Geneva Cruz is a distant relative, my great grand father Felix Cruz had 2 wives. My great grand mother is Saturnina Cruz, the 2nd wife. From Felix Cruz’s 1st wife came the line of Tirso Cruz and the line that leads to Geneva Cruz. Our common ancestor Felix Cruz is buried in the Loyola Memorial Park in Marikina.

See my recommended diet: A Return to a Raw Paleolithic Diet. Click Here.