@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Forum Question: What are the causes of cancer? Any real cures? - My Family Health Blog

Forum Question: What are the causes of cancer? Any real cures?

There is a forum question in GodLikeProductions.com that asked this: What do you think is the real cause of all the cancer?

It’s shocking to see so many people with cancer. And still no idea whats causing it or no real cures.

I think it has something to do with plastic.
How many people got cancer before the invention of plastic?

Is it a poor chakra system?
It is fast food and no physical activity?
Is it high stress levels.

What is it?

Where is it coming from.

Do they have high cancer levels in other parts of the world that don’t have cell phones and TV’s and what not…

Know any real cures?

Is it genetically grown food?

Irresistible. So shooting from the hip, I answered:

It is COOKED FOOD that is a big cause of cancer.
It is the LACK OF EATING RAW FAT that is a big cause of cancer.
It is the chemicals and the pollution that causes cancer. And people bombard themselves unknowingly EVERY DAY.
It is the eating of NON-ORIGINAL human food that causes cancer. Anything after the paleolithic times.
It is the USE OF DRUGS that causes cancer.
Antibiotics, fear of bacteria, all the while creating lots of YEAST and FUNGI which causes cancer.

And it is the WRONG HEADED knowledge and LACK of knowledge of the western medical $$$ greed system that refuses to acknowledge the above which we REAL HEALERS know so plainly well.

It is the REFUSAL and ABHORRENCE of people to RAW FAT and RAW MEAT and RAW BLOOD and RAW LIVER and other original human foods that cause cancer.

People follow that idiotic food pyramid with idiotic ENORMOUS quantities of CARBOHYDRATES that causes cancer.

In short people’s knowledge about health is UPSIDE DOWN.

See www.curemanual.com

The original thread is at http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message969449/pg2#15135255