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Choosing Plain CT-Scan to avoid the side effects of blood contrasting dyes

When our son was hospitalized weeks ago in extreme abdominal pain, we were offered a CT-Scan to see inside his abdomen what was causing the pain. My wife and I knew the dangers of CT-scan dyes and searched the internet for information as to how important those dyes were, what the dangers were, what reported side effects were. Since I do search engine optimizations and I’m an accomplished healer myself, I knew the search words to enter and sometimes which websites to query.

These dyes were coloring dyes. They improved the contrast of the CT-scan. But these dyes were not necessarily necessary. Many people reported side effects due to kidney related damage not being able to fully detox out the chemical dyes. Some people chose plain CT-scans and were able to go about their business. So we chose to write down on the consent form to only a Plain CT-Scan.

What’s more, in the consent form, there was a rider sentence after the ct-scan that in effect said were agreeing to any resulting needed surgical operations afterwards which we cleared up with the head doctor and we proceeded to cancel – cross out the offending statement. We wanted a plain ct-scan, period. We will not be forced to agree on what to do next. There are other ways to cure people without resorting to surgery.

So our son did get the plain CT-scan and the diagnosis turned out to be intussusception. The hospital team of doctors scheduled surgery at 11am the following day, it was our backup plan. But the non-surgical miracle took place at around 11pm to 1am. So when the doctors made their rounds for pre-surgery the following morning, our son was already cured. They verified this via blood tests, x-ray and ultrasound.

We were happy to have chosen to avoid the CT-scan blood dye for our son. We chose not to interfere in his body’s self healing innate abilities. And we were rewarded by his “one for the books” intussusception cure.

As parents who had the ultimate responsibility for our child, we exercised our responsibility every step of the way.