Newly Bought Puppy Died of Hookworm Infestation
Later on and the next day he wouldn’t eat. I tried giving him raw beef, raw egg, nothing. I resorted to giving him some beef muscle blood in his water for some nutrition.
So on the 18th in the morning I took him to the Vet. He was put on IV.
Vet called Nov 19 morning saying the dog died. Lots of large hookworms and lots more eggs.
Vet says the dog was sick and infested the day I bought him. Whatever alleged deworming done was not effective. No paperwork, no proof, just the word of the seller.
And for those of you afraid of raw meat causing parasites… you are wrong on this case, this dog was allegedly fed Beef Pro, some kind of dog food before it got to me. Hookworms do not develop in the instant it was eaten. Geezzzz, keep your imagination sane.
Here is a more knowledgeable opinion by a more experienced dog raiser, Yuli:
The puppy OBVIOUSLY had parasites before, was NOT dewormed, the puppies mother was NOT dewormed, and when the dog was brought to a new place the stress of everything let his already big worm problem go out of hand.
ANY sane/honest breeder will give you the PAPERWORK of what the dog was given.
Without this paperwork we can safely assume that this puppy had no deworming and was probably born from a wormy mother dog in bad conditions and not properly taken care of. Thats why it died, because it was already dying/unhealthy when you got it.
The girl already lied to you about the breed of the dog do you really think she took care of it, she just wanted the money.
Blaming the fact that he ate some dog kibble on this is just insane. No matter how bad it is to feed your dog kibbles. It just as insane as saying that bit of raw horse gave him such a big problem of worms in that time.
They don’t need to be dewormed and backed by paperwork to be healthy, they just need to have a healthy mother and be raised in healthy conditions. If you don’t want to de-worm them ok but then make sure you control any infestation that may arise even on a raw diet. A badly bred dog from unhealthy parents will still be unhealthy on a raw diet.
The reason why the breeder MUST give you paperwork is because then the breeder is SURE of their dogs health and genetics, they are not trying to hide the fact that they don’t take care of their dogs especially the mother dog, or breed dogs that should not be bred.
Buy a puppy with paperwork and health guarantee from a proven breeder, and I guarantee you, even if it was fed kibble up until you got it and after it will still be healthy, yes even on cooked junk, like most puppies are when they come from breeders who know their shit.
If you get a healthy dog and you switch it to raw then it will be EVEN healthier Cheesy But it would not get worms from eating some kibble….