Gained Abundant Health Gained 30 lbs in 9 Months on Raw Paleo Diet
In his sick times in 2008 – 2009 you would think Sabertooth had a “good diet” based on popular media propaganda:
breakfast: oatmeal and cooked eggs and yogurt
lunch: vegetable soup and a salad
dinner: a piece of cooked steak with a baked potato.
With 3 children and in poor health, Sabertooth had to find a way to get his health going and be able to work to be able to help his working wife. He was looking around for Weston Price resources on the internet and found my articles and links to Raw Paleo Diet forum and from the various experiences of other people he was encouraged to try a raw everything diet which included lots of raw meat.
Sabertooth began his raw paleo diet journey January 2010 and in 9 months he was just so excited with his results he just had to let the forum members know about his personal health success, with pictures! Within 9 months, increased weight from 140 pounds up to 170 pounds. Now able to work 8 to 9 hour days every day again, have extra energy to play with his kids after work. And now expecting a new child by the spring of 2011!
Sabertooth began with Aajonus Vonderplanitz’ Primal Diet: “I followed the primal diet for the first month and ate raw cheese,milk,avocado,coconut,tomato,berries,green drinks along with meat and fat. I soon discovered that dairy wasn’t good for me and that I felt better without any vegetables at all. I made my own version of the low carb diet based on what I learned from other low carbers on this site.”
On exercise: “I do no formal exercise besides a little stretching and yoga. I work construction and get all the workout I need on the job.”
“I dig ditches,swing sledge hammers, crawl under houses, climb up in rafters, pull wire, push drills, hall matterial ,run up and down ladders all day.When I was sick I couldn’t preform some of the more labor intensive task and missed a lot of work due to exhaustion and fatigue.”
On Sabertooth’s current diet around end of October 2010:
My diet has been simplified over the past few months and I feel content with what I am currently eating.
This is my usual daily staple
2 pounds of pasture raised raw black Angus
1 third to half pound of lamb fat(depending on my marrow availability)
3 tablespoons of coconut butter
2 lemons(made into lemon water)
2 or more egg yolksI will also add in some bone marrow,oysters,organ meats,tuna,bone meal(home made)and of course high meat.(these are my luxury foods,Paleo desserts)
The amount of each luxury food I eat, depends on supply and my cravings.
Sometimes I have will strong cravings for oysters, fish, or bone marrow.(I tend to trust these cravings and try to indulge whenever possible)
“Now I vow to provide them (my children) with all I have learned about health, nutrition,and clean living so they never suffer as I have.”
Follow Sabertooth’s success story and discuss with him personally at Raw Paleo Diet: Sabertooth’s Before and After Miracle.
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