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Japanese People Should Take Months Long International Vacations

If you have loved ones living in Japan, then convince them it may be a good idea to go on months long international vacations. Stay for a few months in my country, rent an apartment and go around the country. Take a good number of pictures. Enjoy life. Get out of your country and take an airplane ride, while you still can. When the sh** hits the fan, you may not be able to get out of Japan. I believe the sh** has already hit the fan. The Fukushima reactors are doomed, has been doomed from the start and it may bring everything, the entire country with it. And if it does, you are already vacationing outside Japan. Safely.

Remember Chernobyl. How bad Chernobyl was.

The name Fukushima will take over the name Chernobyl in the next years to come as the gold standard for the worst nuclear disaster ever.

Hirose Takashi: What They’re Covering Up at Fukushima:

Hirose Takashi has written a whole shelf full of books, mostly on the nuclear power industry and the military-industrial complex.

Probably his best known book is Nuclear Power Plants for Tokyo in which he took the logic of the nuke promoters to its logical conclusion: if you are so sure that they’re safe, why not build them in the center of the city, instead of hundreds of miles away where you lose half the electricity in the wires?

The poster Delta Force in godlikeproductions.com has made some english translations of an interview with Hirose Takashi:

Read it and weep. The best discussion thread ever in the forum explaining the Japanese disaster. http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1412216/pg1