Fukushima Nuclear Reactor Evacuation Zone Sacrifice Zone
Fukushima, Japan – The Japanese government has issued the evacuation order on March 12 for the residents living within the 20 kilometer radius of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
Since then, residents have left their homes, and the “no man land” has been out of touch with the rest of the world.
A Japanese journalist, Tetsuo Jimbo, ventured through the evacuation zone last Sunday, and filed the following video report.
He says that, inside the evacuation zone, homes,building, roads and bridges, which were torn down by Tsunami, are left completely untouched, and the herd of cattle and pet dogs, left behind by the owners, wonders around the town while the radiation level remains far beyond legal limits.
And a great work of investigative journalism by Al Jazeera’s Dahr Jamail: Fukushima: A ‘nuclear sacrifice zone’ Some experts believe Japan’s nuclear disaster could become worse than Chernobyl.
Nuclear safety agency spokesman Hidehiko Nishiyama on April 3 offered the first sense of how long it might take to bring an end to the nuclear crisis.
“It would take a few months until we finally get things under control and have a better idea about the future,” said Nishiyama, “We’ll face a crucial turning point within the next few months, but that is not the end.”
Ramana explained to Al Jazeera that he sees the current situation as being the “best case scenario,” because “the wind has been largely over the ocean, there haven’t been any more major explosions, and none of the spent fuel areas have had a major fire.”
Worst case scenario
“There could be a core that gets molten, and we could have an explosion,” Ramana said of what he believes would be a worst-case scenario, “This isn’t likely, but it is possible.”
Continue reading at http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/features/2011/04/20114812554680215.html