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Comet Elenin – Earth – Sun Alignments Causing Earthquakes? Prepare for Sept 26, 2011

The comet discoverer Leonid Elenin answered the questions of comet Elenin – Earth – Sun alignments causing earthquakes by blogging about the “significant earthquakes on Earth (from 7-th magnitude by Richter scale and higher), as well as relative position of Solar System planets and the comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin).”

See http://spaceobs.org/en/2011/04/21/is-there-a-relationship-between-the-conjunctions-of-comet-elenin-and-earthquakes-on-earth/

Leonid Elenin says:

No comments, your can make own conclusions… I just want to note that on March 11 2011, to the conjunction the comet with the Earth remained 3 days. Is it large or little time interval? I think it’s difficult to judge.

Leonid Elenin has no comment on the matter. Let the data speak for themselves. Let you and others interpret the data. Leonid Elenin flatly says their is no brown dwarf.

The brown dwarf theory is being propagated by people who do not subscribe to the electric universe theory. They theorize that all these solar flares and earthquakes via alignments are caused by enormous gravity that can only be explained by a massive dark object accompanying comet Elenin. But if you take into account the Electric Comet theory of Wallace Thornhill, these solar flares and earthquakes via comet makes sense.

View discussion of Electric Comets by Wallace Thornhill. Click Here.

The last alignment with comet Elenin was March 9 to March 11 and we saw the destruction of parts of Japan plus the ongoing Fukushima Nuclear Crisis.

The NEXT comet Elenin – Earth – Sun alignment is predicted around September 26, 2011. By that time we are in for a good show. But me and my extended family are not going to let this pass by without any preparation.

We know from history about cosmic body caused destruction. That our ancestors told of horrifying things with comets. And we should heed their warnings.

We are negotiating a family retreat where with a mix of factors like support group, relative distance from known fault lines and food and water supplies may be easier. We are looking at temporarily living there a month before the alignment happens. Maybe even resorting to pitching tents to sleep in instead of indoors in case any earthquakes happen. Looking at heeding the advice of other people like storing lots of food in the freezer and consuming those first when the electricity goes out. Then consuming the canned goods. The children may go on a 2 week leave from school until the danger passes us by.

I sincerely hope no serious harm comes September 2011, but it is better to be prepared than not.

Follow the ongoing discussion of comet Elenin in the electric universe forum at Thunderbolts.info. Click here.