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Food Poisoning Claim Addressed by Activated Charcoal and Castor Oil

Family driver Benny’s daughter in law claims food poisoning last week. Benny was in a rush to ask me what I have in my bag of cures for food poisoning claims. This I’ve always got at home: activated charcoal and castor oil.

How to use activated charcoal to adsorb items in the gut.

– 1 measuring tablespoon
– 1 measuring cup
– activated charcoal
– castor oil

I bought my activated charcoal from Dr. Tam’s at Tiendesitas or Metro Walk in Pasig.

Mix 1 tablespoon of activated charcoal in 1 cup of filtered water. Have the food poisoned person drink the concoction. Wait 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, drink 60 ml of castor oil. I get my castor oil at Mercury Drug, some 70+ pesos for a 60 ml bottle or 2 x 30 ml bottles.

Yesterday Benny returned my canister of activated charcoal. He thanked me for it. His daughter in law was saved.

It is worth having these emergency items in the house as part of your first aid kit.