Planetary Alignment Caused Earthquake in Philippines July 16, 1990 !!!
Eureka simplicity genius moment! Do you remember the July 16, 1990 earthquake? This earthquake is exactly predicted in the Omerbashich model for predicting earthquakes. Astronomical alignments as the cause of ~M6+ seismicity
The July 16, 1990 earthquake was special to me because I experienced that personally. I was in college in the University. I thought that a big 40 foot container truck was barreling through the campus road. I thought that was a really big container truck… then everyone at that moment realized and screamed it was an earthquake! I was in the 2nd floor lobby and I saw that the left wing stairs were jammed with people running to get out of the building, the 2nd floor central stairs were jammed with people running to get out of the building. The earthquake was of a magnitude (7.0 + ) you could not stand up so me and 2 other friends just hid under the table. When the first tremor had finished I pulled my 2 friends out to the nearest stairs to get out of the building. I knew earthquakes came with aftershocks, my 2 friends at that time were disoriented and did not realize it was an earthquake.
Today in 2011 with the paper of Omerbashich, with the help of NASA online planetary orbits simulation software, we can go back in time and find out what really caused that July 16, 1990 earthquake. This is the 21st century. We are high tech!
I used the NASA Elenin orbit simulator at;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=1#orb and I moved the years back to July 16, 1990. I took Omerbashich’s rule of thumb, 3 days of planetary alignment prior to the earthquake. Exact prediction!

On July 13 to 15, 1990 the planetary alignment was for Jupiter – Sun – Earth – Saturn and next day July 16, 1990 came the Big Philippine Earthquake! What an amazing prediction!
And you can do this with other past earthquakes and future earthquakes. We of course are interested in future earthquakes and we are interested in preparing for these future earthquakes. The next step is predicting WHERE the future earthquakes will occur.
For now, we are preparing for the next co-planar alignment with Sun – Elenin – Moon – Earth – Uranus on September 26, 2011. It is comforting for Omerbashich to predict that this alignment with a fast moving comet Elenin will be swift that it will not fall in the 3 day alignment requirement he has in his model. The catch is, this kind of alignment with Elenin in between the Sun and the Earth has never happened before. So we really do not know.
For those who poo poo comets, this Elenin comet is co-planar, at a 1 degree angle only and its cometary tail is sure to bathe the earth and the moon when it eclipses the sun. So let’s hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Please use these earthquake predictive tools and techniques, may it serve all of us well.