@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Giant Solar Flare June 07 on Video! Caused by Planetary Alignments (Elenin Included). Communications and Power Warnings. UV Warnings. X20 Censored! - My Family Health Blog

Giant Solar Flare June 07 on Video! Caused by Planetary Alignments (Elenin Included). Communications and Power Warnings. UV Warnings. X20 Censored!

GIGANTIC CME Jun 07, 2011 with Alignments: Saturn-ELENIN-Sun-Mercury-Venus-Mars-Jupiter. Later on this was rated as just an M2 class solar flare / CME. Note that the largest CME was on 2003 it was an X28+ solar flare. The sun is waking up. The M2 CME will give the earth a glancing blow.

– Ultra Violet Radiation Forecast UP UP UP, stay out of the sun
– Geomagnetic storm activity expected from around 6pm and could last 24 hours
– Possible disruption to power grids and satellites
– Flights over polar regions face being rerouted

Front page at http://www.spaceweather.com/

STORM WARNING: NOAA forecasters estimate a greater than 25% chance of geomagnetic storms on June 9th. That’s when a CME from the magnificent flare of June 7th is expected to deliver a glancing blow to Earth’s magnetic field. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

Paper: Apparent Relations Between Solar Activity and Solar Tides Caused by the Planets. Download paper here. Click here.

And for those comments that I’m being sensationalist, this isBIG NEWS at the Daily Mail in the UK. Also in papers in Germany and parts of Europe.

Hotting up: Sun wakes up from sleep for busiest sunspot cycle in years and threatens to disrupt Earth communications and power

With video of the solar flare M2 on June 07

This CME was no exaggeration.


In an event reminiscent of some of the Discovery Channel Mythbusters’ most spectacular explosions, the Sun on June 7, 2011, starting at about 06:41 UT unleashed one of the most spectacular prominence eruptions ever observed, in fact, one could call it a “prominence explosion”. But this explosion was larger by far than any rigged by Mythbusters: the prominence material expanded to a volume some 75 times as big across as the earth!

UV index up to 13 and 14

With video of TBar1984 Planetary Alignments June 7th 2011 http://youtu.be/XLLjgl0POE0

Ehemmm…. the alignments are from left to right:

MARS (a little off)

You can verify the planetary alignments with Comet ELENIN included here. Click here.

The conspiracy THICKENS:

June 08: X20+ solar flare published by spaceweather.com then suddenly taken out / censored.

as reported here

X20+ FLARE!!!!!!!!!!

and reported here

WOA! SPaceweather.com recorde “X-20 SOLAR FLARE” AT 05:47 UT..UH OH MEGA DOOM ALERT OH sh**!

Seems they don’t want us to know that this is all caused by Planetary Alignments JUNE 08: Saturn – COMET ELENIN – Sun – Mercury – Venus – Mars – Jupiter

Because again, the coincidence of comet Elenin being aligned and an X-20 solar flare is just too much to handle.

Evidence? Someone took a screenshot of spaceweather.com showing X20 solar flare: