Explaining Comet Elenin, Planet X Fly By Scenarios, NASA says Be Prepared, September 2011 is it
Before I got into this health and curing people of incurable diseases kick, I had been an astronomy nut / amateur astronomer / hobbyist. Maybe the reason I had a passion for astronomy since 7 years old was so I could bring this message to my family and friends. I understand how the solar system works and I understand the opposing theorists in various camps about NASA gravity is king theory vs Electric Universe electricity is king theory. Yes, I’m very much up to date about NASA developments and Electric Universe developments. You can talk astro geek stuff with me and I won’t get lost, I recognize the constellations in my night sky and can point out to you which planet is which… even before Google Sky came into being. So I know what I blog about when I blog about this comet Elenin and why we need to be prepared.
It does not cost much to be prepared for a Japan type March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, now does it? Stock up on food, drink, medical supplies, tools, growing your own food, living without electricity for months, relocate, etc. Better to be prepared than not. Especially for us urbanites. We owe it to our children.
The Japan March 11 earthquake and tsunami was predicted soundly in February 2011. If a few Japanese had heeded the warnings, they would have fared better. It is the same thing this September, October, November 2011. Heed the warnings and you just may fare better.
2011 is a record high year for earthquakes. Some 200% above the century average in only 3 months. See previous blog post at https://www.myhealthblog.org/2011/05/31/comet-elenin-2010-and-2011-record-high-earthquakes-in-100-years-and-predicting-the-next-big-one-in-september/
My country is located in the ring of fire. Our home is located in a big and well publicized dangerous earthquake fault… in a proven village that gets flooded every decade or so, like the 2009 Ondoy disaster, which destroyed all our house belongings including telescope. It is only logical for the family then to make a concerted effort to pool our resources and move / rent out to a safer location with no floods, no fault line in order to avoid a very much possible pattern of immensely destructive earthquakes possibly with tsunamis that may strike any part or parts of the world this September 2011. We aren’t rich enough to move out to some Noah’s Ark type bunker so this will have to do. We tried out the new vacation house this weekend. It was great. Too nice.
But why are we doing this? Why are we spending this money and effort? I set out to make a family presentation this evening to get everyone on the same page of what is Planet X, what the scenarios are, why is Comet Elenin possibly disastrous this September, October, November 2011.
Planet X is merely a place holder name for any possible disaster giving body that causes havoc to our solar system, theorized as that which orbits our sun every 3600 years. Some think our sun has to have a binary pair star because binary pairing is the rule of thumb in our galaxy, is more common than lone stars.
I first take you to a video released Feb 2009 about Planet X, Solar Flare Dangers, The 8 possible scenarios of a planet X Fly By by Marshall Masters. Note that this was released Feb 2009 without any inkling about comet Elenin. So Marshall is talking about physical principles and possibilities. Note that even in the worst case scenario Marshall in this video didn’t think that Planet X could come in coplanar… along the same ecliptic plane, the same equatorial orbit just like the planets of the solar system. He was thinking more of Planet X popping in from the south as it aligns along the ecliptic causing devastation, then up out of the ecliptic, swinging to its nearest point to the sun and plunging back down south again and of course again crossing the ecliptic plane.
Comet Elenin as it started out the gate was a comet of controversy. Why it had to be discovered by a guy named Leonid ELEnin where ELE stands for Extinction Level Event as popularized in the 1998 film Deep Impact where the comet pair then was discovered by a boy also named Leo.
Here is the trajectory, computed path of comet Elenin in video and what has transpired.
Here again are the worst case fly by scenarios 1, 2, 3 and 4 for your reference:
Observe that we get the grand slam, the total jackpot in the Marshall Masters video. With comet elenin coplanar, the electrical kill zone is the entire path of the comet as it always was on the ecliptic. And it will jackpot traverse fly by scenario worst case #3 (first week of September 2011, then worst case scenario #1 (September 26-27, 2011), then worst case #4 all the way throughout October and lastly worst case #2 flyby scenario on November 23, 2011. There is no rest. It is a total grand slam. So keep wishing that this comet is actually tiny, insignificant… and hope all mentioned past alignment patterns with earthquakes are just lucky fluke coincidences.
At the starting gate of Comet Elenin was controversy as to its computed trajectory and proximity to the earth when it swings by. NASA then operated a youtube like service call the NASA Buzz Room http://buzzroom.nasa.gov/ . Someone posted that his computation of comet elenin’s path would take it to 0.0004 AU distance to earth… very very close… too close it just may hit us. And why of all timings, NASA decides immediately after that to shut down the NASA Buzz Room! To date it says: “We’re in the process of making Buzzroom better for our users. We appreciate your patience. Please check back in the future.”
We the public finally got our hands on the wonderful comet Elenin trajectory simulator from NASA which computes that the comet at nearest approach comes to a comfortable 0.23 AU. But that distance or missing the earth was not the big issue. The big issue with getting this trajectory simulator of the comet which includes all the planets now in the hands of every Joe in the planet, smart people notice patterns and they talk about it and the observation spreads.
Video below from NASA shows what happened to regular periodic comet Encke in 2007 as it approached the orbit of Mercury in 2007. The sun blasted comet Encke with a CME and cut off its tail. Comet Elenin is a NEW comet from the far reaches of space, more highly charged than Encke, will approach the sun nearer, and virtually co-planar. Thus we expect more solar fireworks with comet Elenin. Hope the CMEs are small and not directed towards Earth.
People noticed that this comet Elenin was virtually co-planar with the solar system at only 1.8 degrees inclined. For the electric universe community that views all comets as electrical and the sun as electric, this was completely understandable that it will directly affect the sun and the planets immensely. Read about the science behind the electric comet: http://www.thunderbolts.info/pdf/ElectricComet.pdf
View a video about electric comets that explains that COMETS ARE NOT DIRTY SNOWBALLS… that NASA is dead WRONG about their dirty snowball hypothesis:
People then noticed that planetary alignments caused earthquakes, but more so when you add comet Elenin to the alignment… you had more destructive earthquakes… as if Elenin was a Jupiter or a Saturn by its own right. And this is where the gravity only people make that big mistake. With their wrong headed gravity only theory, they can only explain the Elenin phenomenon as though Elenin had to be massive, like a brown dwarf. But with the electric universe theory with electric comets and the electric sun, you don’t need to be that massive to cause these immense effects. Being an electric comet and coplanar is enough. Though this does not remove the possibility that comet Elenin is indeed more than a comet… we will all know soon enough when September 2011 comes.
Play around the with comet Elenin orbit diagram simulator supplied by NASA. Click http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=Elenin;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=1#orb
Last April 2011, A smart scientist Mensur Omerbashich submitted and patented a paper on how to predict magnitude 6+ earthquakes via planetary alignments and he prominently includes comet Elenin as a BIG BIG significant player in recent 6+ destructive earthquakes… that is what the data shows. And this same patented paper in Europe is broiled in its own controversy, that of patent theft in the USA where Mensur Omerbashich files suit against the US Patent Office for stealing his patent appliciation… losing it several times. Download Mensur Omerbashich’s paper here http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/1104.2036

In Mensur Omerbashich’s website at http://sites.google.com/site/omerbashich/ he has a running blog monitoring alignments and the significant earthquake locations and magnitudes. Which proves his theory as correct. His theory is predictive. Just how predictive? My wife challenged Omerbashich’s theory by asking me to check on the July 16, 1990 big Philippine earthquake… the one we experienced and is etched in our memories. Lo and behold… exact big alignment July 13 to 15 with Jupiter – Sun – Earth – Saturn… and July 16, 1990 comes the big Philippine earthquake! Super exact prediction!
Mensur Omerbashich points out that the Feb 2010 destructive earthquake in Chile, the Sep 2010 destructive earthquake in New Zealand, and the March 2011 destructive earthquake and tsunami in Japan were all comet Elenin aligned earthquakes. As well as a host of other lesser known earthquakes with Elenin in them. Just read his paper. http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/1104.2036
What scared the living daylights out of me was the June 7, 2011 solar flare. The most celebrated and most well observed with ultra modern cutting edge NASA technology was caught on video. They said the solar flare was immense, it would hit a glancing blow to the earth, that there may be communications and power disruptions and that the US EPA had a solar radiation overdose warning in the USA complete with map. They marked that solar flare later as a class M2. With the added controversy the following day June 8 when spaceweather.com published a class X20+ solar flare then erased it from their website after a few hours. The thing is, there is also a paper on planetary alignments causing solar flares. So I checked the NASA simulator and indeed found a big parade of planets aligned with the sun… but it also included… COMET ELENIN! Freaky… that this darned comet Elenin has to always be in the alignment… because I so bad want to deny its pattern of causing havoc.
The planetary alignments for September 25,26,27 are: Sun – Comet Elenin – Moon (new) – Earth – Uranus and by the 28th, Elenin moves out but Mercury is now aligned in the order of Mercury – Sun – Earth – Uranus. Even without comet Elenin, you have successive planetary alignments which in itself in the Omerbashich model causes 6+ earthquakes. Add comet Elenin in between the sun and the earth at only 0.39 AU from the Earth and we can only pray that all previous Elenin alignments were fluke coincidences and that this comet is a dud.

When comet Elenin eclipses the sun, it will be around 56 million kilometers from the earth. Some people say that is a large enough distance for the comet tail to hit the earth. But if you think about the longest comet tail on record, in 1996 comet Hyukatake’s tail was measured at 574 million kilometers long! So that 56 million kilometer distance does not seem so far now does it?
Okay okay… people are starting to think I’m a doomtard… But what does that make of NASA? NASA says… be prepared: http://www.nasa.gov/centers/hq/emergency/personalPreparedness/index.html

“A major initiative has been placed on Family/Personal Preparedness for all NASA personnel. The NASA Family/Personal Preparedness Program is designed to provide awareness, resources, and tools to the NASA Family (civil servants and contractors) to prepare for an emergency situation. The most important assets in the successful completion of NASA’s mission are our employees’ and their families. We are taking the steps to prepare our workforce, but it is your personal obligation to prepare yourself and your families for emergencies.” – NASA Administrator, Charles F. Bolden, Jr.
Nice timing guys at NASA, they released this in email to their entire organization June 9, 2011.
We know the expose that the US government made an underground city underneath Denver International airport. We know bunker making business is hot in the USA. My wife just flew back from Palawan and a knowledgeable resident said rich people were buying land left and right in Palawan preparing for 2012 – Planet X… they think Palawan is safer since it is not included in the ring of fire and is not subject to earthquakes unlike the rest of the Philippines. The rich and in the know are not saying… they are just taking action… they want to be prepared.
Survival groups are on the move in many parts of the world. Some take to bunkers, some take to the mountains and caverns in the mountains. Some have moved out to provincial areas where the collapse of electricity and the halt of trade in a big city may spell disaster. They are also preparing.
NASA said be prepared! So you must prepare some how, some way. Click on over to the NASA preparedness website and click on your right to download their PDF and print and read and follow the check list. And think beyond the check list for your own specific needs.
I leave you with a Marshall Masters quote: “Destiny comes to those who listen, and fate finds the rest. So learn what you can learn, do what you can do, and never give up hope!”