@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Earthquake Warnings: 2 Mag 7.0+ in West Pacific Ring of Fire - The Probable Causes - My Family Health Blog

Earthquake Warnings: 2 Mag 7.0+ in West Pacific Ring of Fire – The Probable Causes

Just in – 2 Magnitude 7.0+ earthquakes occur in the West Pacific Ring of Fire in Vanuatu as you can see in the 3d Quake make shown by Dutchsinse. Causes are Venus, Sun, Mercury, Earth alignments with Venus Sun and Earth alignments taking a long time according to Mensur Omerbashich. And the direct hit solar CME that completely enveloped the earth last August 19th.

If you will observe the Venus – Sun – Mercury – Earth alignment, the sun blasts Mercury as it aligns with Venus, Sun and Earth with the sun launching a C class CME. Which made a direct hit on earth August 19.

I direct you to Dr. Mensur Omerbashich whose contribution to earthquake prediction are planetary alignments. Certainly the Venus – Sun – Mercury – Earth alignment can be counted on to have contributed to these recent earthquakes as well. Visit http://sites.google.com/site/omerbashich/

Be safe all who live in the ring of fire, including us. We are sending earthquake survival kids to our kids’ class rooms tomorrow just in case an earthquake hits when they are in school.