Earthquake 6.8 / 6.9 Almost 7 in Negros Oriental Philippines: Alert, More to Come, Earthquake Window Still Up Feb 07 to 14
My condolences to the victims of this latest earthquake. It’s been reported in a major newspaper that this 6.9 earthquake in Negros Oriental has killed 52 people so far.

At least 52 people were killed when a 6.9-magnitude earthquake hit Negros and Cebu provinces shortly before noon Monday, causing landslides and huge cracks on highways, and violently shaking buildings, officials said.
Full story at
For the recent weeks historical earthquake reporting, I turn you over to Dutchsinse:
“In the last 14 days… we’ve had 7 large ( M 6+ ) earthquakes culminating with borderline 7.0s in the west pacific.”
So this is the recent historical picture. Thanks to dutchsinse reporting.
Now lets look at the predictive science of planetary tides, much the same as lunar tides. Dr. Mensur Omerbashich in his February 2012 forecast and graph at

As can be seen in the graph above, the earth has been involved in multiple planetary and solar alignments:
1. Jupiter – Earth – Saturn (within the 5 degree window)
2. Mars – Earth – Venus
3. Earth – Sun – Mercury
And from his graph we can see the M 7+ Earthquake window from February 6 to February 14, 2012.
So it’s not over folks. Re-check the batteries in your flashlights, re-check your emergency grab bags in your house and in your car. Rehearse your family earthquake plan. Never let your car fuel go below half.
And when you feel a possible earthquake shake, assume the worst, move out immediately, do not wait for it to get larger before you convince yourself it is an earthquake. Or the bad habit of us people living in earthquake prone areas to wait it out and see if the earthquake hits a larger magnitude before moving out of your building or finding a triangle of life spot. If you feel it, just assume it’s a big one this February 7 to 14.
I have yet to find a resource that will say exactly WHERE the next big earthquakes will happen.