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Experimenting with Raw Sunflower Seeds

My son healing from the last vestiges of his eczema has been benefiting from vitamin E capsules, then regular Argan oil applications. I’m thinking, maybe his skin needs more vitamin E. I search the internet for foods highest in vitamin E and I stumble on raw sunflower seeds as having the most vitamin E.

Now I remember my son was in Palawan helping plant sunflower seeds and he wound up eating more of it than planting it. So it is a given he likes sunflower seeds. But how much should he eat?

I asked the raw paleo diet forum community and it seems instinctive is the way to go. As long as I can get raw un-condimented sunflower seeds, then there is as safety net. The human body can distinguish and will not overdose on raw uncondimented foods.

Found raw sunflower seeds in Healthy Options. Wife bought a 1/2 kilo pack. I tasted some myself first. Yeah, can’t eat too much of this. The stop kicks in. Safe to give to my kid. I instructed him to eat after dinner. Eat only the raw sunflower seeds until his body says stop. Worked as expected. No overdose. Boy can’t eat more than half a cup.

I hope in a short amount of time my boy fills up on vitamin E from this source. I’ve eaten this stuff for the 2nd day and I don’t think I want to see it again for a month.