Whoa! Real Raw Unprocessed Sea Weed Noodles!
I’ve seen this before, and I may have eaten this before, but this is the very first time I can really remember and record for me to eat real raw unprocessed sea weed noodles! Yes, this is the real thing. Nothing fake about it. This grew under the sea and they just harvested this as is and sold it as is. All our 4 maids know this kind of sea weed noodles, it’s native to them in their provinces.
All we did was wash this with filtered water. Taste is plain, just like those plain tasting man made noodles. There is a hint of ocean – ness in these noodles. And just to satisfy my cleanliness thing I use chopsticks and dip these sea weed noodles in some vinegar just for disinfection. Texture is just like those man made noodles.
I’m willing to bet that a very long time ago, these sea weed noodles were popular and that some enterprising Chinese made artificial noodles. That caught on, and noodles became a chinese thing, staple… imitating these real noodles! It’s just my hypotheses. Anyone care to tell me real info on these sea weed noodles?