Activated Charcoal Guide to Usage in Healing with the book Healing Wonders of Carcoal
My wife just handed me a hard bound beautiful coffee table book with the title: Healing Wonders of Charcoal by Severino S. Paypa. I just skipped to the good parts and yes… this book is a treasure that will be able to help us utilize better our activated charcoal resources. We currently have 2 sources. One in powder form, activated charcoal bought from Dr. Tam’s Vegan House. And one in capsulized form activated charcoal made by Chinese drug stores from our TCM healer Sifu Sam.
We currently use activated charcoal as a method to clear ingestion of poisons. We know of its adsorbent qualities, it attracts poisons to it and we flush it out fast with castor oil or Dr. Tam’s Miracle tea. We have as first choice the powder form of activated charcoal we mix in water. And for those who can’t seem to swallow that concoction we give the capsules.
Now comes this book which gives us more confidence, more ideas and hones our knowledge on the uses of charcoal. Like lately my wife has been having upset stomach often, has started experimenting with 1 capsule of activated charcoal a day. I may think of giving activated charcoal to our 11 year old boy as well since he has not finished being fully healed of the last vestiges of eczema on his right arm and behind his legs. I’m thinking skin brushing, then poultice of charcoal, then maybe a capsule a day as my wife does.
Since my son’s problem was initially wrecked large intestine and massive leaky gut, maybe we just have to clean up? Think, must think and experiment with myself and my wife before doing this to my boy. I the parent am the lab rat, not him.
Although we have had success giving a one time dose of activated charcoal to our then 3 year old 2nd boy who got continuous tummy aches due to the ingestion of too much raw coconut milk (1/2 glass or probably 2 cups).
Must read the book thoroughly, you will see more uses of charcoal in my blog in the future.