Inclined Bed Therapy aka IBT Therapy for Varicous Veins, Edema, High Blood Pressure, and any other Circulatory System and Detox problem… aka EVERYTHING!
I came to learn about inclined bed therapy from a conversation at the raw paleo diet forum. Amazing very logical stuff from it’s promoter Andrew K. Fletcher who by now must have touched and saved and improved thousands of lives with his perseverance. As a fellow engineer and holistic healer myself, I can appreciate the logic and foundation of circulation, detox and why gravity affects everything… how the trees manage to hydrate every bit of themselves and how humans do so with gravity. And that sleeping time has its organ healing cycles and the correct force of gravity must be applied to the entire body as well to make everything go right.
I began experimenting with IBT therapy on myself some 4 days ago. It was easy for me as I sleep on a trundle bed. All I needed to do was fold the foot of my trundle bed and ta daah… I had my head part raised 8 inches above the foot part of the bed.
What I noticed these past 4 days. My sleep was deep, restful and a healing sleep. I want more actually, but I can go about my business without more. But it is the healing sleep that I noticed, like my body is suddenly in healing mode and fixing a myriad of things. I’ve felt healing mode before and it is how I feel right now. Who knows, it may be in conjunction with the moringa tea and capsule supplements I’m taking, maybe it is both working together.
I suspect issues I have with liver / gall bladder and my right kidney will be solved. I’m sort of a perfectionist. I know there are health heights out there and I must get them. I just began this health kick seriously in 2006 so there are a lot of health issues to be resolved. I believe if my kidney and liver will be optimized along with circulation, healing mode will resolve my long sought after tooth decay cure… downright remineralization of enormous cavities made worse by ancient dental drilling methods.
The list of testimonials for IBT therapy are amazing and of course very logical. What I as a holistic healer understands is that IBT is an enormous component in healing and this must be integrated in my website.
I’m just waiting for more time, and more results on myself, maybe weeks or months, and then when I am satisfied with actual results and not just the theoretical reading, I will be encouraging my own wife and children to do IBT on themselves. Who knows, my children may gain several inches growing up.
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