P-Noy Gravely Mis-Informed on RHBILL: Consistent Pop Growth Rate DECLINE for 50 years! Consistent Total Fertility Rate DECLINE for 50 years!
Sadly, our President P-Noy “NoyNoy” Aquino seems to have been gravely mis-informed by those briefing him on this RHBill issue. If the article on the Inquirer is to be believed is true, P-Noy reveals why he has marked the RHBill as urgent. P-Noy based his decision on a MICROCOSM of 1 example in Tondo… and NOT nationwide official statistics. What is the National Statistics Office for? Running a country, making multi-billion peso decisions REQUIRES FACTUAL STATISTICS so top executives can make sound decisions! The Inquirer article reports:
“Encounter in Tondo
Explaining why the issue needed state intervention, Mr. Aquino again recalled his encounter with a 16-year-old mother during a visit to the Baseco compound of Tondo, Manila.
The girl, who was barely out of puberty, had just given birth to a second child and had a common-law husband without a stable source of income, he said.
“She’s now 18 and she’s pregnant again with a third child, and she has a new common-law partner,†he told reporters.
“You have a responsibility to those being born into this world. You can’t rely on bahala na (God will provide). What’s wrong with informing them of all these (family planning) choices? Let them choose the size and what method to plan the family etc.,†he said. “
From http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/323957/rh-bill-certified-urgent-by-aquino
Mr. President, I will tell you what is wrong with your microcosmic reasoning with just 2 statistical graphs: TFR and PGR. First of all, I am an atheist, not a bible thumper, I am a nationalistic realist. But I have been following this population issue since 1995.
See Total Fertility Rate graph here: Consistent Decline for 50 years

Reason #1 and the only one that matters: A mere look at the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) graph of the Philippines for 50 years from 1960 to 2010 will show that TFR slope dropping predictably 1 child less per decade. From 7, to 6, to 5, to 4, to 3 today in 2012. So Mr. President… have you ever seen this graph? You can request your National Statistics Office to brief you on this graph. We are down to 3 children per woman today in 2012, and predictably in the 2020s down to 2 children per Filipino woman… and this is without spending on any RH Bill on a national level.
See Population Growth Rate graph here: Consistent Decline for 50 years

Reason #2 Population Growth Rate merely follows total fertility rates. Longevity is also a great contributor, but even with increasing life spans, the population growth rate still consistently declines due to declining fertility rates. As you can see in 1960 the population growth rate was 3.35% and in 2011 the population growth rate was down to 1.7%… 50 years of consistent decline as well. There is NO runaway population growth. As you can see PGR is has been declining consistently for 50 years.
This drop in total fertility rate is due to the free market. Due to freedom of information on contraceptives. Due to the pervasiveness of knowledge and the legal and affordable availability of many different forms of contraception to the Filipino nation.
Mr. President, you have been gravely mis-informed! Thus, your microcosm of an example, that woman in Tondo DOES NOT REPRESENT the true statistical average state of the Filipino Nation today in 2012. Your microcosm example Tondo lady can be helped by local barangays or local DOH outlets in a per case basis.
But this Nationwide RH Bill proposed spending of billions of pesos on contraceptive supplies and contraceptive education is a guaranteed WHITE ELEPHANT… a total grandiose WASTE of money because Filipinos are already informed and are already contraceptive this 2012 and more so beyond.
The billions to be mistakenly allocated to the RHbill can instead be used on truly worthwhile projects where you can make a real impact, those projects supported by factual statistical evidence you can get from your statistics offices.
These 2 UN-DEBUNKABLE graphs convincingly show that THERE IS NO RUNAWAY POPULATION GROWTH for the Philippines. In fact it shows that fertility rates have been in factual decline for 50 years. It shows population growth rate has been in decline for 50 years. These graphs show that Filipinos are already well informed about family planning methods.
Urgent suggestion Mr. President: Call your National Statistics Office statisticians and LET THEM make this very same presentation I made to you in this letter. Let the NSO verify what I had just shown you, this is THEIR JOB. Let the FACTUAL statistics guide you, the senators and representatives in making this vital decision for the sake of the Filipino people.
Best wishes,
Edwin Casimero
Website Administrator and Contributing Author
at www.prolife.org.ph from 2004-2010