GERD Cure Testimonial… for the 3rd Time! With Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea
GERD is the new term for what was called acid reflux… hyper-acidity. GERD stands for “Gastroesophageal reflux disease”. Basic and common medical treatment is taking Maalox or Kremil-S, both are antacids. Ms. A suffered from GERD for 3 episodes in the past 4+ years and has been cured 3 times with Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea.
Ms. A suffered from infertility at her young age in her early 20s. She and her partner looked for the root cause of her problem and found that she was suffering from hyper-acidity / acid reflux / GERD and was taking Kremil-S regularly to relieve her of her stomach pains.
They learned that the root cause of GERD was intestinal constipation. And that there was a wonderful effective herbal solution called Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea. Ms. A drank 1/2 cup of Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea every evening before bed for 4 straight evenings. GERD cured. All gone. And Ms. A got pregnant and gave birth to her first child.
But GERD returned after 2 years. Ms. A took Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea… again. Drinking 1/2 cup before bed for 4 straight evenings. GERD cured… All gone.
But GERD returned after another 2 years. Ms. A took Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea… again. Drinking 1/2 cup before bed for 4 straight evenings. GERD cured… All gone.
This is getting repetitive. The root of the matter is wheat consumption. The root of the matter is bread, pastries, noodles are all wheat based. Wheat in the guts turn to paste and lines the walls of the intestines. Slowly but surely the intestinal passages are blocked… until Ms. A starts suffering from GERD again. The lifetime solution is to STOP EATING ALL FORMS OF WHEAT. Or for maintenance, as in this case, take Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea once a year.
This time, Ms. A had back problems. She said after being cured of GERD, she took Anlene… a brand of milk supplement and she said her back problems went away. She attributes her newly cured guts absorbing the nutrients from Anlene which made her back pain go away. (I think curing her GERD made Ms. A now able to absorb nutrients from all her food.)

Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea is available at C5 Tiendesitas, Meralco Avenue, Metrowalk, and their headquarters at Maybunga Pasig City. Note that Dr. Tam is a “Sabadista” so his stores are closed beginning Friday 6pm and reopens Saturday 6pm.
Dr. Tam’s Information as of January 2013:
Office Address:
Metrowalk Commercial Complex
Outlet 20 Bldg. A, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City
Tel (63)2: 470-1418 / 470-5553 / 401-1605 / 401-1609
Mobile No: (63)921-5920908 / (63)908-8991000 / (63)917-5724600 / (63)917-8087878
Tiendesitas, Fontera Verde,
Julia Vargas Cor C5, Pasig City
Tel (63)2 633-9877
Consultation Schedule
Monday to Thursday – Metrowalk
Sunday – Maybunga, Pasig
10am – 7pm
Free Health Seminar
2:30pm – 5:00pm
#433 F. Legaspi St., Maybunga, Pasig City
Tel (63)2 900-0547 to 49 / (63)2 643-3309 to 10
Mobile (63)917-572-4601