Methodical Outline of Kidney Cancer Cure Attempt of Uncle B Circa 2013
We only got word of Uncle B’s worsening condition almost 2 months ago. He was fast losing weight and had no real appetite to eat anything, he had lost his sense of taste. Our family appealed to Uncle B to come in for healing, our kind of what has been successful healing in Marikina. Uncle B was still busy at that time and could not be disengaged from a last gruelling missionary trip to Polillo Island. We appealed that he should at least do a colon cleanse prior to his trip to Polillo Island and we even sent the bottle of Doctor Tam’s Miracle Tea to him. He was able to do that colon cleanse and was able to clear black stinky stuff from his colon. (Win #1)
The history of Uncle B’s kidney cancer from my point of view was in 2007 when he was peeing blood. He was diagnosed as having a 9cm x 9cm x 9cm tumour on his right kidney. He was asking for financial assistance to do chemotherapy and surgery to remove his right kidney. This financial assistance for the common medical way was turned into detox, a raw vegan diet and some supplement guidance with Dr. Tam Mateo and a visit to the biological dentist who saw that his upper right front tooth was a root canalled tooth which in the tooth chart showed it to be a root cause of his right kidney being afflicted. This could have been a win… but instead this win was denied as Uncle B decided to go to a regular dentist to pull out this root canalled tooth… the conventional way which meant no cleaning of the space, muscle, or scraping of the infected bone. Plus the left tooth was ignored as it was already infected, had a mere “cap” which from the view of the biological dentist should also have been removed and the bone in the skull scraped clean. (so no full win in the biological dentistry arena)
Uncle B persisted with the raw vegan diet for 2 months until he felt he was too thin. Then ate a vegetarian diet in whatever he thought was “vegetarian” which I think stands for eating fried fish, fried chicken and his all time favourite… peanut butter (fungus laden, aflatoxin laden… which will be found as a prime root cause later). Then by 2010 Uncle B had completely forgotten about the lessons from Dr. Tam and just ate the regular SAD diet of Filipinos. Bread, flour based products, pancit, noodles, cheap white rice on aluminum rice cookers, frying with “vegetable” gmo cooking oil allegedly “low cholesterol”, intensively farmed fish from polluted Laguna lake, intensively farmed stinky pork and sick 30 day chickens, and pesticide sprayed vegetables… did I mention his favourite form of cooking was frying? And peanut butter?

By early 2013 he had problems with hernia and had an emergency surgery in February. A net was installed to prevent his intestines from going through his left front side. With this we can then talk about the harm of CT Scans and the CT-SCAN Dyes that he had been injected with and the size of his kidney tumour.
It appears from over the years since 2007 then 2009 then 2013 he had some 3 ct-scans and all 3 times he had been injected with a contrast dye each time in his blood. Were any of his doctors aware of the big bad warnings about contrast dye scans especially to people with already impaired kidneys? So yes, all 3 times he had ct-scans he endured cumulative damage from contrast dyes. His tumour continued increase to today’s 21 cm by 15.5 cm x 11.5 cm.
Finally by the 2nd week of May 2013 Uncle B was able to arrive at our healing home in Marikina, but only for a short 2 week stay.
1st week of May, I sent the vein and tendon healer Beth Pantilone to Uncle B in Calamba and she complained that his veins were weak and tangled and he needed an immediate follow ups session the following day which she did. That solved some pain and movement problems. (Win #2)
Then it was the dorn healer Dr. Bien Castro’s turn at check his spine. From the CT-scans Dr. Bien saw a bad curve and there Dr. Bien fixed up all of Uncle B’s misalignments. That was great. Solved more of his pain and movement problems (Win #3)
Then it was Sifu Jen Sam the acupuncturist and traditional Chinese Healer and Holistic healer’s turn to wake up his nerves and fix him up, give some supplements. More improvements, no more pain. (Win #4)
And during all this time, this week he was on my standard condimented raw paleo diet with raw ice cream and some fruits. Also on some kidney cleansing tea with avocado leaves. This has solved several problems:
1. His stinky wee wee / pee / urine was solved. He no longer pees stinky urine. (Win #5)
2. His sense of taste was restored. He can now taste food again. (Win #6)
3. His shortness of breath daily episodes were banished… were gone, disappeared, solved. (Win #7)

The magnetic belt with multiple tiny magnets of Ismael the inventor. At first we had the small belt. Then we had the really big belt his sister bought for her husband which cured his long standing back pain caused by osteo arthritis which the MDs and the chiropractors had given up on. Uncle B wore the big belt 3x a day until it was too hot after 20 minutes. Any back pain was relieved and disappeared due to the belt. (Win #8)
We tried an egg yolk liver flush on Uncle B one morning. He was shaken a bit in the morning. Eventually he pooped out foul smelling gunk from his liver, the smell of the canal sewer / “imburnal”. Hmmm… that indicated Uncle B had a dirty liver and we cannot get all of it out this way. We had to go with coffee enemas.
Thus we called in Vander Gaditano for his expert coffee enemas and castor oil supported with juicing of various fruits and vegetables and some common Filipino cooked meat, fish and rice. At this time he was out of my hands and into Vander’s program to clean him out. This seems to be the fastest way to get rid of his liver gunk.
They hired Vander’s nurse for a few days to learn the juicing and enema techniques. Then they found a way to get regular supplies of freshly killed raw goat liver from the markets here in Manila and then back in their home in Calamba. Found that goat sellers will sell livers to those in need for it as medicine. Goat sellers know and are charitable that way. Usually they want to sell the liver as a set with all the other intestines, but will take a profit hit to help people in need.
Vander had a new invention, his own giant magnetic thumper. He says he has good results with it if used every single day. But the problem was affording 24 hour care with Vander. So there were only a few sessions with the magnetic thumper and then they went home to Calamba.
For almost 2 weeks Uncle B and wife were on their own. At the 10 day mark they repeated an ultrasound measurement and were dismayed that the tumor had grown after 10 days. This made Uncle B depressed as this is the single important item on his agenda… nothing else matters to him.
So this tumor is not the toxic type of tumor like in boils it seems.
I looked into the possibilities of parasites. Big big worms. I had Uncle B dig up his old CT-Scans and compared it with the giant kidney worms ultrasound picture on youtube. No giant kidney worms. Had him go to beam ray expert Romy Macapagal for checking up on parasites. Scan shows he had some parasites, but not the root cause.
Romy Found other things like candida and inflamed prostate. Only then found out from Uncle B he had to wake up 5 times a night to pee. With this new diagnosis, Uncle B took saw palmeto supplements and presto in a few days his night pee was reduced to 2 times. (Win #9)
I called and texted from time to time to check on them. There was none of the expected cancer pain. The only interesting thing was a last detox of a large amount of canal / sewer / “imburnal” smell that was expelled around June 8th. (Win #10 finally a clean liver… but with caveats)
After June 8th, after expelling that amount of bad smelling sewer coffee enema and castor oil ejection. Uncle B felt weak and he began feeling shortness of breath and felt like blacking out whenever he stood up fast or sat down fast. He was thinking… ooohhhh, it may be the enlargening tumour pushing at his lungs which cannot descend enough. I was alerted to this problem by June 11th so by June 12th I drove to Calamba to fix Uncle B personally.
I analyzed on the spot that his detoxing with castor oil and coffee enemas was finished. His problem with the threat of blacking out when standing is low blood pressure caused by not enough salt in his system. I first came with rock sea salt and then came with himalayan salt. A pinch before every drink. And in a few hours those symptoms of threatening to black out were gone. I explained that that was not because of breathing, that was because of low blood pressure due to lack of salt.
Detox was over, on to a body building diet, an increasing blood pressure diet. Supplements to increase blood pressure and vitality, food and drink for high raw fat. This time suspect candida / fungus. Learned about Uncle B’s fanaticism with peanut butter since child hood. And the past month he told us he was G6PD that of he should not have been eating peanuts in the first place. FYI peanut butter is one of the worst sources of fungus and aflatoxins from the fungus.
Suspecting the Cancer is a Fungus theory this time.
I explained our 3 day vco detox success with shrinking an enlarged tongue that was not allowing a 60 year old man to close his mouth. I had put that man on a body building raw paleo diet for 2 weeks and then when he had enough nutrition put him on a 3 day vco detox that resulted in immediate shrinkage of his tongue.
Maybe we could replicate this success on Uncle B? Not with his present thin constitution. He is at his thinnest at only 44 kilos. Yet seeing his and his wife’s desperation I promised I would be back to administer a 3 day vco detox with him… if he can do it. They wanted immediate tumour reduction, so they wanted this vco detox now.
On June 14th I arrived in the early morning and we proceeded with the vco detox. I did the vco detox with him so he had company, camaraderie. Healers should be doing the same thing, follow me the healer. By the 8th tablespoon of virgin coconut oil Uncle B gave up. He said no more. We gave him sugar by the mouth. And then had him eat cooked meat and rice. But the detox caused by the vco detox was just beginning. So from 5pm to midnight Uncle B went to the toilet more than 5 times. At the last times he was ejecting what seemed to be white spit / “dura” lots of it. AHA MOMENT! Those are indicative of fungus / yeast / candida being expelled!
In contrast with me the healthy healer doing the same VCO detox as Uncle B, I did not even go to the toilet even once! Which shows that those who have no fungus / yeast / candida problems have no grave toilet urges when it comes to doing a vco detox…note that down for emphasis!
So a new plan and attack strategy came to mind now Circa June 16th:
Cancer as a fungus causing the growth of that tumour.
1. Build up Uncle B’s nutrition and weight gain.
2. At the same time that diet plan is anti fungal with 4 tbsp of vco and taheebo tea.
3. Use Aajonus Vonderplanitz’ 3x sets of repetitive meals to gain weight.
4. Give supplements to increase appetite.
5. Eat and sleep.
6. Use the big magnetic belt, borrow from sister.
7. Use the pyroenergen.
8. Start using the Magnetic Pulser every day on the tumour and on the liver. We bought a magnetic pulser model Bio Medici designed by the German scientist Dr. Ludwig. It has arrived and we start using it by the 19th.
9. Every 2 week schedule of VCO detoxes assuming weight gains. See if more than 1 day of vco detox can be done. If 2 days, best if 3 days. But no pushing. Only do what he can.
What is VCO Detox? Click here:

We have chipped away at the fungus in Uncle B with the 1st vco detox June 14th. We have corrected some imbalances caused by the coffee enemas and castor oil. No more breathing difficulties expected. What is expected is massive amounts of healing sleep required. Eat and sleep. Sleep for 15 hours a day. Wake up just to eat. Only give a water enema at night if there is no poop during the entire day.
Tomorrow 9am we are to see Dr. Divina Hey Gonzales for possible nutritional injections. And other analysis and advice. I have worked with Dr. Divina with my son and my brother… both deathly experiences and we have done great as a team. And Dr. Divina has saved my own wife several times from deathly stuff. Hopefully our collaboration with Uncle B will wind up with a kidney cancer cure.
I expect tumour shrinkage in 1 to 2 months with each VCO detox executed. I expect increase in weight in 1 week and progressing weight gain weekly.
So here we are, this is the kidney cancer cure plan June 16th, 2013. Remember to always thank the financiers for making all these efforts possible.
To see Uncle B’s diet schedule, see below:
Cancer is a fungus theory attack mode, body building mode.
Make tea of Taheebo, use as water.
1 liter water with 3 tea bags of taheebo.
(anti fungal)Wake up
3 caps panax ginseng (increase blood pressure, add vitality)
2 chinese ling zhi to (increase appetite)
eat some pink salt
Drink using Taheebo tea as water.Wait 30 mins.
eat some salt
Drink talbos ng kamote juice + Saluyot juice
Plus 5 tablets spirulina.
Plus 2 caps malunggay.Wait 30 mins.
Eat 1 mango or 1 apple or 1 big papaya slice or 1/3 kilo rambutan
Wait 30 mins
Probiotics: Drink 2 caps omx (use taheebo tea) or 2 tbsp lacto
Eat cooked beef / cooked pork using himalayan salt. Never fry. No soy sauce adobo. Sigang or laga.
Ideal is raw, but since you said you cant eat raw meat, this is the cooked alternative.
Plus raw fats: raw egg or avocado or buko meat or 2 tbsp VCO
recommend VCO, must eat TOTAL 4 tbsp of vco for the whole dayWait 60 to 90 mins.
drink Raw milk + raw liver
drink raw egg yolkWait 90 mins.
Drink 4 bottles ( 2 tonics each )
Wait 60 mins
Drink 2 caps ling zhi appetite enhancer.
—- set menu —-
Wait 30 some salt
Drink talbos ng kamote juice + Saluyot juice
Plus 5 tablets spirulina.
Plus 2 caps malunggay.Wait 60 mins
Probiotics: Drink 2 caps omx (use taheebo tea) or 2 tbsp lacto
Eat cooked beef / cooked pork using himalayan salt. Never fry. No soy sauce adobo. Sigang or laga.
Ideal is raw, but since you said you cant eat raw meat, this is the cooked alternative.
Plus raw fats: raw egg or avocado or buko meat or 2 tbsp VCO
recommend VCO, must eat TOTAL 4 tbsp of vco for the whole dayWait 60 to 90 mins.
drink Raw milk + raw liver
drink raw egg yolkWait 30 mins
—- set menu —-
Wait 30 some salt
Drink talbos ng kamote juice + Saluyot juice
Plus 5 tablets spirulina.
Plus 2 caps malunggay.Wait 60 mins
Probiotics: Drink 2 caps omx (use taheebo tea) or 2 tbsp lacto
Eat cooked beef / cooked pork using himalayan salt. Never fry. No soy sauce adobo. Sigang or laga.
Ideal is raw, but since you said you cant eat raw meat, this is the cooked alternative.
Plus raw fats: raw egg or avocado or buko meat or 2 tbsp VCO
recommend VCO, must eat TOTAL 4 tbsp of vco for the whole dayWait 60 to 90 mins.
drink Raw milk + raw liver
drink raw egg yolkWait 30 mins