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Should all animals eat a high-fat, low-carb diet?

A very interesting link was provided by a fellow raw paleolithic diet practitioner led to Dr. Barry Grove’s series of articles at “Should all animals eat a high-fat, low-carb diet?”

Part One: The Basis for a High-fat Diet
Part Two: Digestive difference between herbivores and carnivores
Part Three: Diet and disease

I do have a significant comment regarding Dr. Groves’ analysis that humans are carnivores:

We have little caecum to speak of and, while we do have fermentative bacteria in our colons, their products are only poorly absorbed into our bodies if at all. Those facts put us clearly into the carnivore class of animals.

My opinion is that humans do have fermentive bacteria and their products of digestion are absorbed well enough… until you get your next animal meat meal. This is a vital survival trait of the human species which makes us true omnivores.

Yes humans thrive on higher meat consumptions, but it is vital that humans are able to eat other natural foods because the cycle of living means there are good times and bad times, times of plentiful animal food and times of less animal food… we are survivors.

Then of course there is the idea of cooking animal foods. Humans do better on RAW MEAT rather than cooked meat. Humans do better on RAW FAT than cooked fat. There is magic, so much nutrition it seems magical in RAW ANIMAL FOODS.

On personal experience I will have to agree that a high fat low carb diet on myself is so much better, so much more comfortable, so much more healthy than the low fat high carb diet the world is currently brainwashed in.

Read up on what Dr. Barry Groves has to say at Should all animals eat a high-fat, low-carb diet?