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Suggested Bieler’s Soup to My Friend to Restore his Meat Digesting Capacities

My ever dearest friend who I helped out of the hospital due to abdominal pain a few weeks ago has been on a more or less vegetarian diet for now, not enough fat and meat because under his doctor’s recommendation he cannot digest it. I previously suggested liver flushing but he says just trying 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil caused him pain. He was even wary of eating raw eggs. Of course there are many ways to solve problems like these with these ridiculous constraints. And the answer could come in Henry Bieler’s soup.

My guess is my friend may have some blocked liver gall bladder issues, but more of the toxic bile variety. That his liver is depleted of nutrients to produce healthy yellowish bile that should sooth his stomach and intestines when it flows. But since his bile is toxic, when it is released it instead causes pain.

The logic to consumption of Bielers’ soup is to replenish the sodium stores in the liver plus all sorts of other minerals that the liver needs to produce healthy, non-irritating bile. I suggest taking daily bowls of Bielers’ soup.

To make sure my friend knew what to do, I visited his house yesterday and taught him and his maid how to make Bieler’s soup. I did the marketing for him. Zuccini, Parsley and String Beans. The trick was looking for zuccini. Found some zuccini in Farmer’s Market in Cubao for 250 per kilo… expensive. The variety of parsley i bought was “wansoy.”

Making Bieler’s soup is easy. Just double the weight of zuccini over the string beans plus a small bunch of fresh parsley. Put in pot of water, turn on the burner, boil for 10 minutes. Then blender. Use some of the boiled in water to adjust viscosity of soup.

My friend liked it. He liked eating it with some grilled fish.

The results I am looking for with this daily Bieler’s soup is fully formed dark stools and a craving for greater meat consumption. At least that is what Bieler’s soup does to me, I hope it does my friend a more remarkable job in his current condition.

Currently he has lost 20 pounds. He has a lot lot lot more to lose. But the fat loss is still healthy for him. So we have a buffer of healing opportunity with his stored fat.