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Paleo Diet for Child’s Class Birthday Celebration: Balut, Melons and Watermelon

My daughter celebrated her 6th birthday in her kindergarten class this morning.  The class ceremony had the children wearing special outfits and a special ceremony of a fable was told how she came to be.  And then eating time for 14 children and 4 adults.  I spent for the food, so it has to be paleo diet food:  balut, melons and watermelon.

Balut are cooked duck embryos, everyone likes balut.  I think the 2 teachers were the ones who were the most excited.

Melons, everyone likes melons and they are in season.

Watermelon, if for some reason melons were not enough, we had watermelon.

No water needed to drink.  There was enough water in the melons and the watermelon.

Actually, my girl wanted to serve Japanese sushi like in the party we had at home but that was too much work for me.

Balut was easy enough to prepare, wake up early, go to the wet market, buy 40 live baluts, then boil for 15 minutes.  Ta dah.

Kids had a blast. 

kindergarten paleo diet
kindergarten class birthday paleo diet