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Polio Vaccine Causes Polio Disease in Children in Pakistan

People need to learn from the miserable experiences of others. Pakistan reports that 78 percent of Pakistani children with polio were given polio vaccines. You can never trust vaccines. You do not know what is in it, and how it was made. You are supposed to trust blindly, like faith. Vaccination is religious superstition. Now look at what happened to Pakistan.

The way Naturalnews.com put the situation in Pakistan is, it is biological warfare. Whoever donated the vaccines and duped the Pakistanis in poisoning their children seems to have done it as an act of war. Yes… they got their children. Are you going to let them get YOUR children as well?

(NaturalNews) In the last year, as Pakistan has lost favor with the US and UNICEF, polio virus has paralyzed increasing numbers of Pakistani youth, casting doubt on the good intentions of those who fight polio. To make matters worse, most of the new cases have occurred in children already vaccinated. Is the US attempting to fight Pakistan by tainting inoculation doses?

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/032587_polio_vaccines_Pakistan.html

21st century humans today have no need to be vaccinated with those entrenched multiple vaccinations they recommend… now want to be mandated by law to children. WE are the strong, the descendants of the survivors of those diseases. All we need is natural nutritious food, rest and avoid pollution and we are virtually invulnerable.

The diseases we get today are diseases caused by humans going against nature. Nothing they eat is natural, nothing they put on their skin is natural, the disease care mafia knows nothing about real health. The entire disease care industry is built merely on the foundations of just money. The core of their disease education is upside down.

Wake up from the matrix of lies. Educate yourself. Arm your family with knowledge http://www.curemanual.com.