@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); September 26, 2011 Alignment: Sun - Elenin - Moon - Earth + URANUS - My Family Health Blog

September 26, 2011 Alignment: Sun – Elenin – Moon – Earth + URANUS

I pointed out to the interested in future planetary alignments people that the September 26, 2011 alignment is not only Sun – Elenin – Earth, but it also included the new moon. Then I looked at the NASA simulator and zoomed out even more to see the further out gas giants and saw that URANUS was also aligned with the earth on September 26. So now we have a guaranteed alignment on September 26, 2011 Sun – Elenin – Moon – Earth + URANUS… even without Elenin, it fulfills the Omerbashich model for predicting earthquakes. Astronomical alignments as the cause of ~M6+ seismicity.

Tbar1984 picked up my comment and made a youtube video with his Starry Night Pro:

Don’t forget the rest;
New Moon

Also, the next day;
New Moon

This is the way I see the different factions making sensible talk about Elenin.

NASA camp – brought you the computations and the orbital model of Elenin. Thinks comets are mere dirty snowballs. Thinks comets are totally harmless. Think absolutely nothing is going to happen so survivalist efforts are a waste of time and money. NASA recently released a global press release that they confirm the existence of massive quantities of Jupiter sized free floating planets in our galaxy.

Electric Universe camp – gives us the model of electric comets, electric suns and theorizes that the comet comes in coplanar at 1 degree to the solar system ecliptic means its electrical influence is powerful, more powerful than any comet before. And with the cometary tail sure to bathe the earth on September 26 eclipsing the sun is something that has never happened before in human history. Worst case possibility is electrical interactions with the comet fry computers, electronics, blackout the power grid.

Brown Dwarf camp – the staunch survivalist groups are here, with their messenger Terral Croft, does not consider the electrical nature of the universe so resorts to NASA camp gravitation is everything so theorizes that Elenin is a brown dwarf to be able to influence the earth and the solar system this much. Sees that NASA is covering up this ELE because they don’t want a breakdown in civilization, sees the same pattern as 9/11 coverup. Sees the most extreme catastrophe coming September 26 with a geographical pole shift and intense volcanic eruptions globally… total mayhem… Extinction Level Event. Terral’s group will be hiding out in the Ozarks mountains and caverns of the USA starting August 1.

Of late I know at least 3 simulations made public on youtube speculating that Elenin is not a brown dwarf because if it was, its intense gravitation will have displaced planetary orbits by now. Even the discoverer Leonid Elenin came up with his own video.

So Elenin is a hot subject and September 26 will be a hot subject maybe 1 month prior to that date in the mass media where they will blow out the story. If you are getting survivalist supplies, you had better get your supplies before the story blows in the media or you run the risk of running out in the public stampede.

Hope for the best and expect the worst. Remember Chile earthquake Feb 2010, remember New Zealand earthquake September 2010, remember Japan earthquake + mega tsunami March 2011… remember the various global bird deaths, bees vanishing, fish kills, sun hyperactivity of 2011 and record earthquake activity 2011… are signs that something is up.