Raw Paleo Diet Forum Redesigned and Upgraded to SMF 2.0
Raw paleo diet is the original human diet. The anthropological evidence points to this, this is it. Original human specifications. Although it may vary from place to place and in time, the principles stay the same. Humans were not born with pots and pans, we ate all our food naturally raw. Raw animals, raw fruit, raw vegetables, raw root crops.
I am the network administrator of raw paleo diet forum. Meaning I’m the raw paleo dieter with computer geek skills high enough at the network administrator level and also a professional web host so I’m tasked with the tech portion of this forum. It was just about right to upgrade the raw paleo diet forum to the latest version of SMF 2.0.1.
Aside from the software upgrade I also relocated the web server to one of my dedicated servers under a virtual machine with the database located in another dedicated server as a dedicated database server. Sounds like an expensive setup? It’s just piggy backing along some of my other dedicated servers that have the extra horse power. This is a small forum with big ideas… like curing most of civilization’s man made diseases.
I chose the ubuntu theme and increased the font sizes. At the same time I cracked down on profile spammers, those robots and poor people who register hundreds of new members only to put a website link and a signature link. Those have all disappeared from public view. Only when they are fully participating members do they get those links to appear. This is a big relief to my fellow moderators, the guardians of truth in human diets and lifestyle.
So I would like to invite you to again visit the raw paleo diet forum. We are way way way different than other paleo diet concepts. This is where you find the cured, the old timers, the healthy, the experienced, the mature / grown up raw vegans, those who made it through the rain. Visit http://www.rawpaleodietforum.com