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Anti Dengue Fever Mosquito Larvae Killing Investment

My wife had her alarm bells ringing enough with the 2 or 3 dengue fever cases we just had. Very hard to battle strain of dengue fever. Had our daughter down for a week. And our maid for more than 2 weeks. It’s a good thing we are accomplished healers with accomplished healing consultants backing us, or the results may have been deadly.

My wife did not want the usual poisonous fumigation process. She wanted an organic solution. Her organic solution led her to calling up a firm called Mykl trading with their Kiti Kiti X product that allegedly baits the mosquitoes to lay their eggs in their cans, which in turn have chemicals in it that kill the eggs so no new mosquitoes in 30 days as the mosquito life span is 30 days.

Read more about Kiti Kiti X at:
