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HIV Blood Test, HIV Test Results, Will you have AIDS?

Hooo boy, there seems to be no end to the pervasiveness of this HIV “virus” allegedly being the cause of the collection of symptoms promoted as AIDS.  People actually think and “believe” like religion / superstition in an HIV Blood Test and HIV Test Results.  And they actually believe like a self terminating placebo that being HIV “positive” as alleged from those HIV blood test results that they will have AIDS.  And they do get scared and herded into getting AIDS drugs which allegedly cause real health damage.

Ooohh the hysteria.  Even some fellow raw paleo dieter minds are caught up in this hiv blood test hoopla.  I’m sorry I had to be rude and said:

“HIV tests are FAKE. Fake. Fake. Fake. Viruses don’t go around infecting people.  I don’t believe a word of the AIDS / HIV bull.”

Then embedded a video showing the logical arguments why these HIV antibody / blood tests are a bunch of baloney, that global standards are NOT STANDARD.  That even the entire argument that HIV causes AIDS is a whole crock of bull.

What appears to me from a detached alien perspective is: This AIDS thing is a PR campaign.  Much like CANCER is a successful PR campaign to build an industry to intentionally milk people of their money.  HIV / AIDS is a global depopulation tool meant to scare you out of your own human sexuality so you will jump into the condom bandwagon.  Condoms need a lot of promoting / pushing because condom sex just sucks so bad… it’s like having NO SEX at all.  Other real STDs like crabs and mites may not scare people enough… but the legendary big bad HIV / AIDS surely will!  And you hear and read too much gibberish nonsense conversation.

Remember that AIDS is promoted by a medical pharmaceutical industry who routinely creates names for a collection of symptoms so that it is easy for them to market custom high profit patented drugs.  A pill for every ill is their paradigm.  And they have every right to propagate anything from their point of view for the sake of their profits due to their share holders… it is the corporate way.

Now you and I as rational thinking human beings who have woken up from the matrix of lies have a responsibility to ourselves and our children whether we believe marketing hype or not.  Recognize first that it is marketing.  Realize that it is for their profits.  Realize that it is not for your own benefit.

There is no benefit in HIV blood tests for me or my friends or my family or my employees.  What the hell for?  I don’t even buy one bit the story that HIV causes AIDS.  For that matter, does this HIV even exist?

As for AIDS, there is nothing so special about it that my Cure Manual website cannot fix.

So calm down.  Stay.  Resume natural human sexuality.  A raw paleo diet and lifestyle… and drug free… especially drug free… is better than anything out there.  If you are not on a raw paleo diet and lifestyle… and doing drugs… pharmaceutical drugs… then you need to dig yourself out of that maintenance drugs black hole.  I’ve seen too many seniors accept this maintenance drug fate… too sickening to hear their nonsense as they hand over their life savings and suffer and deteriorate. 

If you are friend or family… don’t do it. Do not take HIV blood tests.