@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 104 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

The Buteyko Method: Over Breathing is the Cause of Asthma

Deep breathing, over breathing is a root cause of asthma. People are so caught up in the notion of oxygen consumption for good health, it seems “logical” that they breath more deeply. But that is not the case. Dr. Buteyko observed that more shallow breathing and even holding your...

Our 5 year old girl had a molar extraction at the Biological Dentist

Yesterday afternoon was the day. After having some tooth and gum infection, and quenching the infection with very low carbohydrate, high fat diet with extra virgin olive oil pulling, our girl had her molar extracted yesterday. It was a simple 15 minute extraction with Dr. Gaba. Probably local anasthesia...

157-year-old woman in Indonesia?

Interesting news.  Indonesian census officials think the claim of a woman that she is 157 years old may be true. “There’s no authentic data to prove her age but judging from her statements and the age of her adopted daughter, who’s now 108 years old, it’s difficult to doubt...

Intussusception Recurrence? Not on my watch.

Our 9 year old boy woke up with a tummy ache.  Which became extreme.  I asked him to drink a good amount of coconut juice this time, half a glass.  which he did.  Tummy ache persisted.  He puked out all he drank later on.  Was this another intussusception episode? ...

Biological Dentist Visit for our 5 Year old girl

Yesterday Saturday we got a 3 pm with the biological dentist Dra. Herminia Chavez at the Queen Mary Holistic Center in Medical Plaza in Pasig City for our 5 year old girl with painful tooth decay. Lucky for us, it was Dra. Chavez herself who initially saw her. Her...

Tooth Decay Problems Again for our 5 year old Girl

Our 5 year old girl is having tooth decay problems again. 3 locations this time. The old filling had fallen off. And an infection is again inside. My wife wants a better dentist this time. But my wife will only be available Saturday to take our girl to Dr....

Stem Cell Therapy will not Give you Permanent Cancer Cure – Wisen Up

Stem Cell therapy is the latest promised western medical “hope” for cancer relief. Sure it works at first with all the promised never never land. But if you still continue living in the same rotten western medical health paradigms and Standard Urban Diet paradigms then you as hell have...