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Author: Good Samaritan

Lupus Treatment Success Rate 100% via Paleo Diet in France

Success is attributed to a 50% remission in symptoms. There was a doctor in France who decided to make his own study because there is no funding mechanism for FREE CURES. Such is the cure for lupus. Auto immune diseases are caused by unnatural substances in your diet. Natural...

Sebo de Macho is Ghee? Clarified Butter?

Sebo de Macho is a long time product out there. It’s very cheap. It is effective in removing skin marks / “peklat” with diligent application. What’s in Sebo de Macho? It smells like ghee / clarified butter. I think most of it is ghee. So I use ghee when...

Swimming Pool Asthma, Chlorine Allergy on my kids

There is a reason my wife never joins us in swimming in the swimming pool of the condominium. She believes the chlorine in the pool is very bad. In fact she noticed that it seems our children get colds after swimming in the pool, but not when swimming in...

Computer Geek’s Been Busy Tweaking a New Dedicated Server

Sorry I haven’t been health blogging lately. Been busy with my new dedicated internet server. Prices have gone down which now allows me to get my hands on a Quad Core 8 GB RAM internet server. Awesome power. Not really new technology. But now affordable. Now that the intel...

Pregnant? Constipated? The solution is FAT, FAT and more FAT! Plus some fruit.

50% of women today get constipated when they become pregnant?  That is not the way it should be.  If pregnancy was such a hassle, humans would have never conquered the earth!  The baby boom generation wouldn’t be here!  So what happened?  Could it be this dastardly LOW FAT INSANITY...