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Author: Good Samaritan

Jordan Rubin of Maker’s Diet Book Fame Recommends Eating Red Meat!

Jordan Rubin is famous for writing his book The Maker’s Diet and in this short video he explains that eating health red meat makes people strong and healthy like the king of the jungle… the lion. The time of the vegan and vegetarian fantasies are over. The people have...

Dengue Cure Found on NHA Grounds

This is an article my aunt wrote for the National Housing Authority website. It is because of her experience with this Dengue Cure that I made the www.denguecure.com website. Dengue Cure Found on NHA Grounds Repeatedly, I witnessed families of patients suffering from dengue getting so uptight not only...

Changing Optimal Dietary Requirements as We Age

I have a bone to pick with the recommended daily allowances. I have observed that optimal dietary requirements change over time. There are physiological changes in childhood, puberty, young adult and mature adult and the aged. When a child is born they thrive on human breast milk. Even as...

Diabetes Cured after 2 months on Paleo Diet

Here is an interesting testimonial from a young lady. She was already on cooked meat paleo diet and wishes to reach higher levels of health she is trying raw meat paleo diet. The good news is that on a cooked paleo diet she already reached pretty good health improvements....

Giant Bananas? What are these called?

My mother in law brought home a single giant banana one day. It was the first time I had seen such a large banana. One of our nannies says they had these giant bananas in her province but she couldn’t remember what they were called. A bunch had only...

Gout treatment and Cure! My wife’s story.

I interviewed my wife today to record her gout cure for inclusion in our family cure manual. This is how she and I remember it. Pain began on her 2 knees around late 2007. She ignored the pain and thought it must have been the weights in the gym...

Funny: The economy is so bad…

Found on Godlike Productions at http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message971439/pg1 Have a break, have a laugh, it’s good for you. The economy is so bad that: I got a pre-declined credit card in the mail. I ordered a burger at McDonald’s and the kid behind the counter asked, “Can you afford fries with...