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Author: Good Samaritan

Zucchini now just 40 to 80 pesos per kilo in Farmers Market Cubao

I decided to buy zucchini to for this weekend’s Bieler’s soup production and found zucchini now abundant from 40 to 80 pesos per kilo. Drastically down from a high of 260 per kilo. If you have been holding off on zucchini soup for liver nourishment, now is the time...

My 3rd day of 125 grams of protein was easy

With the fertilized duck eggs my intake of 125 grams or more of protein was much easier. At breakfast I had 4 duck eggs. So at 6 grams of protein per egg that is 24 grams of protein. Of course we don’t really know how accurate those gram measurements...

Forum Question: What are the causes of cancer? Any real cures?

There is a forum question in GodLikeProductions.com that asked this: What do you think is the real cause of all the cancer? It’s shocking to see so many people with cancer. And still no idea whats causing it or no real cures. I think it has something to do...

2nd Day of eating up to 1 kilogram of meat to try to gain muscle

I’m into the 2nd day of eating up to 1 kilogram of meat to try and gain muscle.  It’s not so bad, but I’m starting to miss the fat.  Good thing at lunch time my wife got home with fresh Palawan duck eggs.  2 raw eggs, that hit the...

First day of eating 1 kilogram of meat was easy enough

Yesterday at breakfast I followed the body building coach that I eat protein first thing in the morning.  Easy enough.  Just get some 200 grams of mostly lean beef from the refrigerator and snipped away with the scissors.  It wasn’t that filling as I wasn’t eating the usual enormous...