@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 125 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

December fruits in season: avocados, melons, chicos, indian mangoes

Ah December, the Christmas season and a whole new set of fruits to look forward to. The following price quotes are from Farmers Market in Cubao, Quezon City. Chicos are pretty much affordable now selling at 60 pesos per kilo. Indian mangoes at 50 pesos per kilo. Avocados are...

RARE! The only Dr. Stanley Bass interview on Youtube!

Wow, this interview is like a dream come true. I have always admired Dr. Stanley Bass’ website. He is 91 years old and would like to give away all his knowledge for free in his website. Use his experience, use his experiments… incorporate them in your thought processes, you...

Paul Nison, Raw Food Guru gives up on raw veganism after 15 years

Paul Nison is a true health seeker who unfortunately got stuck in the raw vegan religion for 15 years. Now that he encountered serious health issues, he is on a quest to find something better for himself and his new young family. He is starting with some cooked vegetables...

David Wolfe Hits the Raw Vegan wall and eats animals to survive

A video interview shows David Wolfe admitting to eating live ants and moths to get vital nutrition his body needs to survive. These are the times we are waiting for, the raw vegan gurus one by one falling victim to their own raw vegan dogma of not wanting to...