@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 135 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Watermelon vs Water for Hydration

I helped a young lady who had recurring headaches. I said maybe she was dehydrated. I asked what she was doing for it. She said she was drinking lots of water, but still the headaches persisted. I gave the young lady an idea. I suggested watermelons. Buy a whole...

8 year old boy gunning for raw paleo diet day 2

So my 8 year old boy who is underweight and underheight and diagnosed with tuberculosis / primary complex needs real nutritious manly food. So daddy gets rid of his rice and puts him on mono meals so he can eat more and more and more. The diet that cures...

Malnutrition, Primary Complex Cure Plan for my 8 year old son

Now that all the diagnostics have been done. We are convinced that there are several problems identified with our 8 year old boy that needs solving. Stunted growth, he is 8 years old and looks like 6. External symptoms show skin lesions like “galis” and a rough spot on...

CoQ10 Cancer Fighter: Expensive Supplements – Abundant in Raw Meat

I would like to expose the silly round about way people choose to live their lives today in the 21st century. People are taught to eat depleted, processed, cooked food. Then they are marketed horribly expensive CoQ10 supplements as a cancer fighter but this same CoQ10 is abundantly available...