@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 156 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

HPV Vaccine Harms Ashley Ryburn Immensely: She tells the story herself

Ashley Ryburn was a healthy young lady… until she was victimized by the HPV vaccine.  She tells you her story personally.  She has a video calling out to ask for help.  The healers in curezone.com can help.  Please take a good look at Ashley and tell your friends about...

How to Cure Tooth Decay book arrives in the mail!

Awesome! The book I ordered has arrived. How to Cure Tooth Decay by Rami Nagel.  Now to get into some wife and child brainwashing action.  More fats, activator x, drastically less rice.  I am on a war path against this idiotic Filipino tradition of worshipping rice as a staple. ...

My high zinc diet begins with oysters and beef

I’m going on a high zinc diet because I have observed that cuts and inflammation in my body do not seem to heal fast… not fast enough for me. My theory is that zinc is a trace mineral that is very important because it is a precursor to many...

Thinking about experimenting with a high zinc diet

I noticed I’m not completely happy with the progress in my health.  I’m thinking of going on a high zinc diet.  Maybe execute this as soon as possible.  I’m looking at consuming oysters, clams, beef, goat, liver.  Try this initially for a week and see what happens.  There are...

My friend’s 3 year old child undergoing speech therapy?

My best friend’s child is undergoing speech therapy.  He says his boy is already 3 years old and not talking yet.  What’s worse is that speech therapy sessions cost P 5,000 + per week! I had the obvious suggestion.  Stop watching television.  He says his son doesn’t watch television. ...